this issue emerged by making some tests regarding another issue about track bleeding…
So: if you set globally Silence Tracks -or- set a track to Start Silent when the silented track is a Thru what happens is that the sound coming from the Thru gets truncated…more correctly: substituted by a high frequency noise.
I would ask you guys if you can replicate the problem, but with the promise that you lower your listening system’s level!!
So, create two Patterns having two different Parts with only one active track (T1):
•PART-1 has T1 loaded with Thru
•PART-2 has T1 loaded with Static
•Put a trig on Pattern-A (Part-1) on first step to let the sound from Input to flow.
No its quieter. But I will double check again tonight with a different pattern. [/quote]
Still the same?
Heaps curious! [/quote]
I tried again today but It was the correct volume so maybe I was mistaken.
However I tried your problem again and I also got the high pitched beep but only when the track was set to start silent. It must be a glitch. Horrible noise.
It happens only with Thru and Start Silent. (waiting for reply from SupportTicket)
The fact you got your bleeding (BUT with same level) I believe is something absolutely normal since you dont have trigs on the “landing” track.
And, i believe also, you have HOLD/REL @ inf…so the sound will keep flowing from the Thru, even if the actual part loaded has a Static where the Thru was… hope it makes sense (im always afraid my English is soooo bad)
Your English is fine
Yeah its a sucky bug. Although you say its normal I hope there is an option to stop it (or they fix the starts silent). Maybe they are too busy making new machines hehe
so…in the meanwhile i would timidly suggest to put a 0-volume trig on that incriminated first step… this will kill any noise. But this time i wouldn’t use Start Silent otherwise possible effects tail from the previous will be cutted
Yes, I can replicate the fault here also… Though you need to send something through the inputs to replicate this.
We will do our best to fix this. In the meantime, I recommend you to use a TRIG at the beginning of the sequence with a VOL - 64 plock instead of start silent.
it’s one of the looping modes for flex/static (PIngPOng, i.e., loops sample forwards and backwards). occasionally it’ll get stuck and produce the same high pitch tone as your example.