Thinking and noting tools

I started using Emacs because it provided syntax coloring and indentation for Gnu LilyPond input documents. Later on, I learned about org-mode. I sort of fell down the rabbit hole, trying to implement all the functionality org-mode promised, particularly in regard to note taking, agenda and task-management. Things got too confusing, and I spent more time configuring the system than I did being “productive”.

Silver lining: Along the way, I learned how to use org-table formulas, org code blocks and more generally, implement what the computer scientist Donald Knuth refers to as “literate programming”. For example, when I produce a play-along video for students, the project workflow is documented inside a .org file. And there are code blocks (embedded shell scripts) within the org file which get run throughout the project. One org file can act as a template for a similar project. Great for anyone, like myself, who can’t seem to remember anything.

The promise of note-taking software, it seems, is to create order out of the chaos many disconnected thoughts. This is achieved by adding metadata, or tags, to each idea, then later on being able to sort the ideas by tag. The key to success, we are told by the makers, is to follow the method religiously.


If you’re new to this space, this is the best comprehensive talk I’ve seen

Updated version with audio problems:

I came across the concept of note taking tools a while ago thanks to this video -

Been really enjoying using Obsidian for a while now, seems to work pretty well for me. Makes researching and collecting new music much easier than relying on scrolling through my YT like list :sweat_smile:

I reminds me a bit of using Reaper in that you can really customise its settings and add a ton of community extensions to give it the functionality and style that suits you best. I’ve got it set up to automatically create index files with chronological/alphabetical lists that populate as I add more notes which is really handy. I still need to add a nicer search function and make some other tweaks though. Recommended.