The "talk me out of..." threads

am I the only one that the forum search is broken for? it jumbles the results all together and I can’t see the results…it almost looks like a spacing issue on the design portion

…at any rate…in light of the “talk me out of X” threads…someone talk me out of an eventide space :slight_smile: …I find the OT lacking in the reverb department…I have been looking to get hardware reverb and delay without breaking the bank…especially since I’m saving for an A4…the eventide would get me half of the equation though :wink:

You should also check out the Strymon pedals first.
Lots of good stuff there.
I’ve got a friend with the Eventide and he can’t stop lauding it, so I don’t think you could go wrong.
Definitely a major step up from the on-board reverbs, though they’re still good enough for me.

Honestly, I’d get the A4 first though.
Those two are such compatible units and sound so incredible together you might regret the idea once you do have both.

I bought the OT, then the MnM, then the MD, and finally the A4 in the span of two months and, while I love the MD and MnM, the A4 and OT together will likely do it for me.
I guess now I can sell the other two and blow the proceeds on hats.

yes, the two pedals on my shortlist were the eventide space and the strymon timeline, though the vox delaylab seemed to be a possible cheaper delay pedal…I’m not totally dissatisfied with the OT delay though

per my original post though…those two pedals alone get me close to the cost of an A4 (close enough for trigger pulling at least)

I just recently picked up a Strymon BigSky.

If you want lush, and I mean… LUSH— the BigSky will give that to you.

When compared side by side to my friends Eventide Space, I really like the BigSky a lot more. Maybe for specifically dark, metallic sounding techno like Night Slugs- Space wins out because it can have that “dead metal” sound really easily, where I haven’t been able to get anything EXACTLY like that from the BigSky

For literally every other sound of reverb, I’d say a BigSky is better.

I haven’t used it yet, but you might want to check out the Zoom MS-70CDR as a pedal that emulates the Strymon and Eventide, and you can pick it up for a song.

The space being manipulated by OT via midi plocks is fucking insane. Highly recommended.

I own a SPACE and Timeline and to be honest I am more than happy with the Elektron FX in the Octa and A4, although I wish you could get the delay to be even faster in the A4 to give you that metalic sound.

you can use the a4 as an awesome reverb! running the tempest thru right now and it sounds unbelievable.

although i would also dig a strymon or eventide!

Strymon Timeline +1
Mind numbingly amazing.
…in saying that, the reverb on the A4 is sooooooo beautiful - A Timeline or Space pedal will cost you almost half of the cost of an A4! I would save your money and just get an A4 asap :wink:

…and yeah… I have the same issue with the search on this forum. The text is listed and jumbled as if the text field column is too narrow to contain the information?

There’s a pedal called AquaPuss that will do exactly that, with quite a bit of character. It’s great for running snares into, resampling, etc.

I use EHX cathedral. Sounds amaze.

There’s a pedal called AquaPuss that will do exactly that, with quite a bit of character. It’s great for running snares into, resampling, etc. [/quote]
Funny you mention the Aqua Puss. I just got its slightly bigger brother, the Echo Puss at a very nice discount. First comment from my roommate upon hearing it was “wow, what a fat sounding delay!”.

I got it because I wanted to more easily tweak delay parameters while playing the Octatrack, especially for cranking up the feedback (aka “repeat” on some pedals) and lowering the delay time for the classic self-oscillation effect.

I’ve been tempted by the BigSky for various reasons, but the delay was a higher priority for me, and I do actually like the Dark Reverb on the Octatrack.

I have the A4, OT, a Timeline and a Jomox T-Resonator. I really love the reverbs and the delay in the A4. Especially the A4’s overdriven sound combined with plocks on time and a parameter slide. Really gives you a nice hypnotic shifting delay effect. The Timeline is an amazing pedal. Perhaps not as dirty as some people hoped it would be, but it is incredibly dynamic in terms of volume. I have it sitting on the main out of my Minibrute, and it really can turn a single oscillator mono synth into an ambient pad monster.

If you want that dub techno sound though, it has to be the Jomox T-Resonator for me. I have that thing wired up as an effect send in my OT almost every time I play live. It’s hard to describe why it’s so good. It’s not the cleanest delay around. It’s quirky, it can feed back into itself. Turn the knobs the wrong way and you’ll be picking bits of your speaker cones off the carpet for days. It’s a very odd design for an effect box. On the other hand, it just creates that “glue” that you need.

So to cut a long story short. I love the verb in the A4. Never felt the need to reach for anything else. But when it comes to delays, I’m an idiot :wink:

There’s a pedal called AquaPuss that will do exactly that, with quite a bit of character. It’s great for running snares into, resampling, etc. [/quote]
Funny you mention the Aqua Puss. I just got its slightly bigger brother, the Echo Puss at a very nice discount. First comment from my roommate upon hearing it was “wow, what a fat sounding delay!”.

I got it because I wanted to more easily tweak delay parameters while playing the Octatrack, especially for cranking up the feedback (aka “repeat” on some pedals) and lowering the delay time for the classic self-oscillation effect.

I’ve been tempted by the BigSky for various reasons, but the delay was a higher priority for me, and I do actually like the Dark Reverb on the Octatrack.[/quote]
Yeah the AquaPuss is super interesting. It self oscillates in a super interesting way. I can’t really describe it any better than that. It’s so fat though.

vox delaylab on sale at some places for $150…tempting

I’ve got the delaylab. It’s nice, not a timeline but close. Has some nice effects, the tape simulation is nice.

definitely not the best I’ve heard but the price is what is tempting me, hard to pass up at $150 since I don’t have a good delay or reverb pedal that I’m using

I have an old line6 that I want to replace with better gear.

Accent: that Zoom MS-70CDR looks pretty cool.

So any of you have the A4, how does its reverb compare? If I pick up an A4 can I run everything through its reverb?

I’m waiting until NAMM is over before doing anything but I am always using reverb and I actually prefer not to burn one of the FX channels on Master track just to get a reverb on everything. Reason the Space has always been attractive is because it has the big spacey tone I like. :slight_smile:

the A4 reverb is glorious, it’s available as a send to all internal voices separately and is available in line (on top of dry) on the external inputs :+1:

thank you, if that will “do” for me, I could put the cost of the eventide towards the A4 instead…still waiting to see what NAMM brings though (as badly as I want the A4 now) :slight_smile: