The surge of elektron

Im one of those that can’t wait to still get my hands on any of the ‘newer’ elektron machines. I have owned (and saved up) for the MD + MNM combo for an equal amount of time. Love both of them! Bloody amazing.

But with the advent of these new machines, in a fairly quick succession within one another, im yearning to switch one of my elektron staples in the studio.

I want to see more of the RYTM before making any rash decisions, but does any other MD+MNM owners seem weird with all these badass machines!? Like its either the mono or md that goes :confused:

Like you dont wanna let go! (But cant afford the $ or space?)

I’ve had the MD for a while… At a point got the mnm on a good deal. I did my best to like it but never found that it excelled at any sound I was fond of. More recently I got the A4 and now with the poly options it’s much more inspiring to me.
The rytm looks very cool but as it is, each voice seems limited synth wise compared to a tempest or a full A4 voice. It’s much more immediate as a drum machine but less of a sonic exploration. So I’m thinking maybe ill grab an OT instead.
I have a 909 so i know that analog drum machine is not a worlds difference compared to my MD. In fact, I’m likely selling it to get into more interesting synthesis experiences.
Don’t buy based on the market. Buy based on your own goals.