Hi there,
since there is no general userwishes topic, and the site says …plz first read the forums before contacting us, i hope they do too… with love from germany …
i am quite almost at the fourties and just last week bought a machinedrum. very nice peace of hardware. should v had on 20 years ago.
so played a bit with here, came to the parameter locks. ja, i need those for shure i thought - tweaked on some knobs, and eh, voila. things changed… i changed a lot of them and then got confused, so i read the manual over and over (again) about those sections where the ‘a blinking trig’ will indicate plocks. i really couldnt see those. yes it was at night and … not so bright.
so i tried to locate them. finally i was able to figure out those changed ones. dont let me tell you how, i just will mention that it took a while. …and a certain amount frustration and concentration. even today morning it is under brighter conditions still challenging.
so i urge the technical staff at elektron to contribute to the older users cognitive abilities and change the blitzing into a blinking. maybe bpm’s?