Now that we’ve seen the pads up close I have to say they look a lot like the pads on Push, which IMO is a really really really REALLY good thing.
I’m most interested in how they will be used to control patterns and I bet the “performance oriented beat control” has a lot to do with the pads. setting note divisions on beat repeats etc.
I haven’t used Push. Could you expand on what you like about them? If I say good bye to my Tempest it will be with some sadness for the pads on that, as far as physical design goes it’s one of the best machines I’ve ever used.
Definitely looks a lot like the pads on Push. I like them a lot too. Very sensitive, got a nice feel, some might say they’re too small, but I think they’re just fine, it depends on how advanced your finger drumming is, I guess. So far I’ve only used finger drumming to tap in complementary hits/beats to an already started rhythm - which works really well on Push.
I think I’m going to have to say goodbye to my Push to finance this AR though.
Ohh the tempest pads, they are really good too! Probably a close second and then the MPC2000xl in at third. Ya, I just love the feel. They are nice to hit and are really sensitive. I could see though if you have really big fingers, maybe they might seem a bit small. The Push pads somehow seem like they are mounted really solid within the unit, a solid build.
Hey!! There they are! Thanks for posting @nirun .
I also wonder how coloured pads will play into the unit and how customizable it will be.
One of the nice non-obvious things about the Tempest pads, is that they support what is effectively ‘aftertouch’.
I’m guessing that would be the same as “Pressure” as in the Analog Rytms “12 Velocity and Pressure” pads
I’ve never owned a pad orientated drum machine, sampler, or controller and what I’m wondering is how does 8 tracks with 8 outputs translate to 12 pads? I don’t understand how the extra 4 will come into play?
The one namm video mentions that a sample can be played chromatically. Maybe 12 tunings of one voice. I also expect the ability to sound lock a voice to different settings. So the 4 extra pads could be an alternate to any of the 8 (monophonic though so no simultaneous trigger and tails will be cut).
Has anyone tried the pads at NAMM yet? If so, how do they feel?
Yes, even polyphonic aftertouch! I like the new machine, but it can’t replace my tempest. I use it as a synth far too often.
I’m guessing that would be the same as “Pressure” as in the Analog Rytms “12 Velocity and Pressure” pads
I agree, after touch and pressure are the same thing.
It’s outlined in this video, and it’s a great watch!
Apparently, the Rytm pads are velocity and pressure sensitive. Good move!
Yes, even polyphonic aftertouch! I like the new machine, but it can’t replace my tempest. I use it as a synth far too often. [/quote]
Yep. Even if its role as a drum machine doesn’t fit with my future needs, it’s pretty-much a Prophet “6” with some sample playback bells and whistles.
That’s the main reason I won’t be selling my Tempest.
With all the palava about the pads positioning (makes no odds to me) I’m wondering if live playing can run through the sequencer with trigless trigs. Meaning that you can set your bizarre Plocks up and affect the live drumming without reaching over to tweak.
Courtesy of GrantB. on Muffwigglers
Velocity to scenes/soundlocks will enable velocity splits on the pads.
So, I’m guessing you’ll have 24-48 sounds at your finger drum disposal.