The Octatrack is amazing

Bank holiday here in the UK and in Scotland at least I think it’s a close run thing whether my dug or OT will melt in the heat first.

Don’t usually do music stuff outside as hard to see the displays but managed to nab a wee sample off the radio (The Safety Dance :rofl: ) and off I went. Love playing with this thing.

Had to call it a day and hide from the sun though. Us Scots are just not built for summer :joy:


Looks great!

Are those ERM brightside stands?

They are the end cheek/stands by @Korple. Nice and sturdy and giving me a bit of a much needed angle in the sun

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comb filter scene madness


purty cheeks


my mk2 is sitting at home waitin for me to get stuck in. my da got sick recently so I haven’t had the time / energy for music but I’ve been trawling all the wicked recent OT threads here n cultivating new ideas for when I get the time to take my octaskills to the next level. thanks everyone for such good info & explanations :slight_smile:


On MKII, right? I have MKI however :slight_smile:

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I think it’s a bug with the software. Elektron support managed to reproduce it based on my video I had sent them to :slight_smile:

The OT is the 3xth Chakra to unlock and explore.


Just got my first serious session with the OT this afternoon. Learnt to sample, edit, slice, played with sequencing the slices a bit… Coming from a DT, I’m already blown away. And I much prefer the feel of the mk1 buttons. I think the OT and I will be best pals for years to come.


Right. Thought it would work on MK1 too.

I must say using the crossfader after the first time of hooking it up to the Digitone and hearing the Digitone’s B ratio sweep was extremely satisfying. And musical…

Edit: It was satisfying but I don’t know why it happens now… lol. Octatrack in a nutshell. Is there a MIDI control option for the crossfader? It’s weird it controls something so specific on the Digitone even in a clean scene…


It has nothing to do with scenes, because scenes don’t support MIDI tracks. It’s the crossfader itself which sends its position as CC48.


I performed a live set recently with the OT MK2 + Acidlab Drumatix (Drumatix through a Bogner Harlow for “big sound!”)

Using a MIDI Fighter Twister with a USB MIDI host to control OT levels/eq/fx, it was the most “in control” live set configuration I’ve had.

Another artist commented how compact it was, and it made me realize that, yea thanks to the OT, I don’t need to bring a mixer, or more FX devices.

I considered bringing my A4 MK1 as well, but I think for stage work, I prefer taking A4 audio loops and mangling them with the sequencer live, instead.

Bonus, the OT MK2’s lighted buttons make dark club navigation a breeze. Really love this machine.


I’m going through a phase where nothing but the Octatrack is getting a look in. Only bought mine in January so I’m still pretty new to it, but I love it more by the day. Every time it’s switched on I learn something new that it can do. Once you’re over that first, significant learning hump where you seriously question whether it’ll ever make sense, it really is hard to think of a more rewarding piece of gear. It’s starting to look pretty cheap for the money too.


I suggest looking a bit at the lxr from sonicpotions too. Beside the really, really excellent performance mode and good syntheses you get something that’s imho unique to beatboxes: you have 4 outs, that you can route as you like. That means you can send any track of the lxr to any output as mono or as stereo pair. You can mix it like you want and that makes it imho the best compagnion for the Octatrack - because you can use thru machines on it. It’s a mighty combo. It’s also capable in making excellent bass lines. And: you save on sd cards, so backups are no problem at all. Best buy beside my Octatrack ever, and I’m thinking on buying a second diy kit, just to have spare parts. Oh: and a Lauch Control XL from Novation is too a good compagnion. 8 faders and a bunch of knobs - you can edit the channels and cc’s for it on your computer. Sure it needs a usb->midi host, but yeah.

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Been on my “to buy when I actually have some money” list for a few years now.

Not least because I fancy the challenge of modifying the firmware for it… :crazy_face:


In a similar boat. OT with radio set to Absolute 80s is simply owning my music time these days.

The more I’m using it, the quicker I’m getting. And the better I’m getting at, say, pulling out a kick, keeping the mix a little clearer, etc. All adds up to enjoying myself more.

Haven’t touched my A4 or OPZ in quite a while. Can’t actually remember the last time I plugged my Komplete Kontrol in to the laptop either. Push + live still gets the odd play time but really starting to consider re-evaluating what I have and want to achieve only this time, I’m in a much healthier place with a bit more of a mature goal in mind (ie. Not having a mini breakdown about owning so much unused gear!).

