So, we got the Elektron newsletter on Nov 29th (and again on the 13th) stating Monomachines are back in stock, and when I ordered from JRRShop on December 4th, Elektron sent it to them (on the 20th iirc) to arrive on the 24th, and JRR shipped it to me on the 26th.
According to the sticker on my box, my MnM was manufactured week 30 2013 o.O That is the end of July lol
Are you sure JRR didn’t have them already in stock? I ordered an Octatrack early December from Guitar Center and they had one in stock in Texas that they sent me. I would assume JRR has a warehouse.
That’s what it looks like and seems obvious, but they were waiting on a shipment from Elektron to fill a lot of orders around that time. They offered a further sale on top of Elektron’s 10% so were hit pretty hard I imagine, and being a smaller company don’t have the warehouse capacity or capability to ship from other stores that Guitar Center has.
Hadn’t even occurred to me to apply something like fiscal year to manufacturing weeks, but it’s certainly a possibility. I may have to harass Elektron and see what they say.
Maybe they don’t start manufacturing until later in the year. Or maybe they aren’t consecutive weeks but just weeks worked; so if they take a 2 week break after week 5, they continue from 6 not 8. Lots of possibilities.
It’s just a curiosity based on when I ordered and a delay in getting it to me, if it was indeed built in July 2013 as it appears, or perhaps it was built another time, which makes sense based on when I actually got it.
I could be a jerk and piss and moan about losing out on a month of warranty (the 3yr starts on date of purchase, not when you get it, even if there is a delay outside your control in actually sending the unit to the customer) in how long it took to get it to me, but I’m not doing that at all. A month out of 36 isn’t going to make a difference to me at all and date of purchase is a good way to keep track.
I just want to know when it was actually produced, because signs are pointing to “2013 week 30” not being end of July 2013
I’m just going to email Elektron to put it to rest.
As I just learned that the Octatrack I bought from JRR is back ordered from Elektron for two more weeks (ordered on Jan. 10th), I am also curious about this. I’d assumed it would be fresh as a newborn baby, right out of the factory, otherwise what’s the hold up?
Seems pretty crazy I had to wait 20 days for JRR to get it from Elektron, does Elektron ship via some super slow method to resellers, or was JRR lying to me? Am I not considering something else, or perhaps simply ignorant to something?
At the end of the day I’m glad to have it, I just can’t figure out why I got a unit made in October when we were all told there was a delay of stock in Monomachines via the newsletter o.O I would think that being assembled in Sweden, that it should have been in Sweden in October if that’s when the manufacturing date was.
Did somebody stumble across my MnM in the back corner of some warehouse? lol. Maybe it was a return or something and the timing just happened to line up