The improvised techno thread

What will you use the looper for? How do you use your RYTM??

I guess you want the looper for … erm… looping. I used only a RYTM as the sound source to my album

Check the transitions out on there. I had to think about it a lot and practice hard. Some people said I should have looped the tracks around for a second spin before going into the next song but it wasn’t for me.

Blawan uses the looper to jam in some knobs he turns on the fly. With the RYTM or any Elektron, the parameter changes can be recorded on the fly……

Then randomized…

Then more parameters can be added…

Then …… simply reload the kit to take it back to its origin. The original instrument is back being its basic self off we go again. I’m not sure how a looper would help you. That said, only experimentation will provide you with the answers you are looking for.


My plan is to use the Rytm for drums (duh) and some chord/stab samples. I was then thinking of using a synth such as the DB-01/SH101a to improvise riffs and other noises, capturing them in the looper. The Rytm can have some programmed patterns and then use the macros for jamming with. That should be enough voices to make decent tracks, plenty of scope for improvising yet immediate enough for be to have fun. Sounds reasonable?

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:joy: really!?!? Me too! :joy:
That did make me chuckle.

How deep have you got with the timbres the other engines can produce? I put my Sub37 back in its box because of the duo VCO functionality of the RYTM. I riff out a bassline and then the sequencer loops it. Why would you need a looper? I mean it’s totally upto you. I’m just asking a question.
I miss the Sub37… it’s sexy af… but space is an issue and I wouldn’t be able to take that thing anywhere if I’m carrying a bunch of other stuff.

I’m literally just watching that Blawan interview again and he says it is so important to really know your gear. Something I’m still doing. I love the noise machine.

What gear do you have already @Grate_expectations?

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I have a bunch of synths but the only knob per function synths I have are the SH-01a, the DB-01 and a behringer neutron. I really enjoying playing synths that don’t have any menus and I fancy the challenge of just working the synth. When using a single box (like the octatrack) I easily get overwhelmed with all the options. It’s a first world problem I know! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

At the end of the day, I’m not looking for the best or most powerful way to do this. I’m looking for something that’s fun and makes decent sounds. When I watch videos by Blawan, surgeon, Karenn, lady starlight, Speedy J etc. they sound great and look like they’re having a blast. I want some of that for my own dungeon when I’ve put the toddler to bed and opened a can.

I should add, thanks for your input. It’s all appreciated.


After buying a Model Cycles and getting into modular, I’m increasingly finding that knob per function interfaces are by far the most fun to play with.

It’s probably an obvious thing to say, but it’s true.


This response from @tr909 in another thread might be of interest to you:


Gotcha! Hear you loud and clear. That is literally the ‘thing’ isn’t it!? Those knobs, tweaking, and the main thing… having fun!

Got to find that right balance… right number of boxes without getting overwhelmed. Hate that feeling. Going to call it day on some of the bits and bobs I don’t need. Some of it is nice but it’s overkill.

Since going through this thread I have thought more and more about what I need. But until I fully experiment with it, then I won’t truly know if I need it or not. It is a 1st world problem. It is also one that I always lose sleep over. I am glad that I lose less sleep than I did before. I had a crazy man cave going on at one point.

Thank you too… learnt something real ish in this thread. *spud :facepunch:

Put the toddler to bed and crack open a cold one…… Maaaaate! That’s the one! Sounds like a dream. My new born ain’t going to sleep yet and it’s almost midnight. C’mon little dude! Dads got some Stilton, Ritz, and Techno waiting :joy:


Here is another more or less improvised set. improvised in sense of we did not plan anything. Patterns on DT were preparded


I’d probably prefer Rytm + OT. Even if I wouldn’t use OT for looping, just as a synth voice, using oneshot synth sounds or some premade loops. I think Id get less lost in that than trying to improvise on an actual synth.

I always think this setup looks pretty lean, mean, fighting machine, with a Rytm, a Tempest and an Oto Biscuit. Not sure what she uses the laptop for but it doesn’t look much.


Wow, this is great!

Laptop Loks like Arrangement view from Ableton ? Maybe ?


These sessions are great @slawa_soloma!

This is the killer Elektron combo, hands down


Yes it makes total sense, I have a similar set-up Rytm + MC+QS or Lifeforms and I was considering to add a looper and not the OT

On paper I like a lot the EHX45000, but I never tried it.

I think the trick is to keep it simple, know your machines very well and use machines that you can change on the fly while playing, machine like a 909 , sh101 or arp odyssey or korg ms20, or DFAM, or korg monopoly or nord rack + 2 simple pedals and a dj mixer which is more hands on and versatile.

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Surgeon no longer uses the OT

I use my OT as a transition looper and mixer/FX box. Looping with OT is easy once you set it up right (Flextraxk, 1shot rec trig)

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I know, but he’s no longer used his OT about 4 times before going back to using his OT.


Haha exactly


Cool but not super interesting.

Every sequence is preprogrammed

Also not great fan of the Techno sound where the Kick stands out too much


This is so damn good. Always felt that the Tempest was lacking something by itself, but Rytm and Tempest together sounds like a match made in heaven.