THE FILL, our missing feature/friend?

i just wish there was a way to do fills w/ scenes OR performance mode. it be cool if there was an control mechanism that allowed you to re-order the steps.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

could become
1 1 3 11 12 9 1 15 16 1 2 2 13 15 16 2

or you could simple hit re-order and it would randomly re order.

to me, the missing fill feature is the most glaringly obvious and i’m betting now will be introduced at some point.

does anyone have a work around or tactic to fills w/o patterns.
(i don’t want to use patterns because that screws w/ the other devices i’m using, and are sequencing w/ it)

How about turning program change send off so that you can switch patterns without triggering changes on other devices?

Yes i came up with a different idea, same purpouse. If in scene mode trigs in the sequencer could be placed / muted when holding a pad, then you could easily make all the fills you’d like.
You can do fills now by setting pattern mode to direct jump, but thats not as elegant as the above.

Just was hoping for this today too… Being able to create/mute trigs via scene would be clutch

but that changes an entire workflow just so i can do fills. as a work around, probably, but no fill seems a missing feature.
it could be quite similar to the octatrack’s create non-linear triggers.

I kinda see your point, but I do think Elektron decided very early on that having a dedicated Fill or A/B button like you find on some drum machines didn’t fit with their views on how patterns should work on their machines.

why do you say this? is it because it is simply not included?

Yes, pretty much. The people who make these instruments, esp. in the lower-volume “boutique” context Elektron operates in often have very strong opinions on what features should and what features should not be part of their products. I’m pretty sure the lack of this feature is not an oversight.

Hey not sure if this would work perhaps trigger mutes can be assigned to a scene, but in this case un mute???

2 ways I do fills that might help.
First, set say RS track vol to 0 then in Perf set the vol 100 or whatever. Now hit ReTrig & leave it running. Whenever you want to hear the fill just go into Perf mode & hit the pad. Works great leading up to a pattern change.

Second way that adds variety & allows rearranged steps is this.
Choose individual track lengths. On the fill track, steps 1-16, program your regular trigs or indeed none at all.
Steps 17-32 program your fill/rearranged trigs or whatever. (Program 17-64 for longer transitions).
Now switch track length back 16 & hit play. When you want the fill to sound open up the length!

What you can also do, is place some extra trigs with volume 0, and raise them on scene/performance pad presses. The downside is you can’t mute some triggers and raise others.
Being able to set/mute trigs in the sequencer when holding scene pads would solve this.

^ I’m all for Elektron getting all Cirklon style with their sequencers, wouldn’t be that hard to implement but I get the impression they have their vision & that’s it :slight_smile:

Are you a software developer? I doubt so, as sequencers or any other realtime applications, where live manipulation of data and exact timing is essential, is not trivial at all.

Dynamic mute groups would also be good for fills. Let’s say you had some toms programmed but muted, and when you unmute that track, the toms suppress the other sounds of that mute group, for instance the snare and hats.

Guys, Does the Rytm not have the ‘Retrig’ parameter like the MD and OT?

Mute groups is one of the main thing I have planned for scenes. Should be pretty straight forward to set up. Dynamic as you want it to be, replace elements, bring some down when something comes in…

OK, I haven’t read the manual closely enough to be familiar with the possibilities of the scenes. The functionality I described is probably already in there?

Are you a software developer? I doubt so, as sequencers or any other realtime applications, where live manipulation of data and exact timing is essential, is not trivial at all.

Nah I’m not but judging by what Colin manages to achieve with Cirklon I would have thought things like random or alternate directions would be doable? The point I’m making is that he seams to able to come up with solutions to feature requests, is open to user feedback, Elektron less so.
With the AR for eg, there was no beta testing, no room for outside opinion, it’s not a critism it’s an observation!
And finally I’m not for one minute suggesting it’s trivial :slight_smile:

You have a dedicated ReTrig function for each track that can be divided/multiplied with left/ right arrows. You can even lock ReTrig values to steps using the up arrow :slight_smile:

The down side of using scenes as mute groups is that you have a limited number of parameters that you can use overall on scenes, 48.