The Digitakt Tutorials Thread

What do you think about create a reference list of Digitakt tutorials in a single topic ?
It could be easy to refer to a specific function or skill, update firmware, transfer samples and so on…
Don’t hesitate to submit next tutorials here !

Tutorials in order of submission :

1# True Cuckoo : Digitakt Mega Tutorial
2# Loopop : 16 advanced Digitakt ideas, tips and tricks
3# Aldo : How to set up the MIDI loopback trick on the Elektron Digitakt
4# Aldo : DIY Song Mode on the Elektron Digitakt
5# Ricky Tinez : Digitakt Resample method for making music - Tutorial
6# Ivar Tryti : Indepth Digitakt Resampling Tutorial
7# Oscillator Sink : Elektron Digitakt: Monster Mono-synth?!
8# Dacci Pucci : Elektron Digitakt: Amen, Bror - Elektron Digitakt vs. The Amen Break

Playlists in order of submission :

1# Dave Mech : Digitakt Tutorials

I begin with the famous Cuckoo :slight_smile: The tutorial that convinced me to buy a Digitakt. :slight_smile:

True Cuckoo : Digitakt Mega Tutorial


loopop : 16 advanced Digitakt ideas, tips and tricks


Hey, that’s a good idea, there are some tutorials linked in this thread but I’m not sure it’s still being updated. Also I’ll take this opportunity to share my Digitakt tutorials :grinning: :

Not anywhere as good as Cuckoo & Loopop stuff but it might be useful to some. :slight_smile:


Here are two videos that offer two different approaches to resampling.

This one by Ricky Tinez shows how to employ a live overdub resample method, similar to how you might work with an SP-404.

Ivar Tryti’s approach is different and goes into resampling a little more like how you’d sample a break to chop up. It also shows a really good approach to dirtying up your sound using compression/tuning/speed changes. It’s hard to describe but it really gives a lot of grit to the overall sound.


Excellent stuff.

And your Musique Automatique series is wonderful.

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Thank you so much man :sparkling_heart:

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Don’t cut yourself short man, your vids are just as good as theirs are. I found them to be quite enjoyable and informative. The beats you are creating in your vids are more on the style I’m leaning towards than some other tutorials out there. It’s nice to be in a relaxed mood while filling your brain with knowledge…

Just got my DT so i’m soaking up all the info i can. All of these vids are appreciated!

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Well thank you that’s super nice to hear, I’m glad you enjoy the vidz (and have fun with your Digitakt!)

Good tuto about single cycle wave form.

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I think you created a playlist full of dt tutorials, dave

Previously posted by DaveMech :slight_smile:
A playlist of all his tutorials :

Eaves is one of the best composers on DT to my taste. So when he posted his tutorial few weeks back on YT and also somewhere here, I hope he will be ok with me re-posting it here as well.

Golden :wink:



Sampling, Chopping & Flipping myself on the Digitakt (demonstration)

This is my COFFEE WITH DIGITAKT videos - where i making track from scratch. You can learn with me


I have to say I generally like Cuckoo’s videos but his Digitakt one is especially great. I feel this ebb of reassurance from watching a little bit of it day by day like he’s a Mr. Rogers for my adult self…

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