The Digitakt Feature Request Thread

Adjustable light intensity. I find the white LEDS to be excessively bright when working in semidarkness situations. It gives me headaches and keeps me from working longer.
Thanks and congratulations on an amazing machine!


This would really ramp up the modulation possibilities without going into midi-split box option and allow Digitakt to work with external clock (preceding it in midichain) while modulating itself (if you loop back the midi-out signal while sending a clock to the rest of the chain you will mess up DikitaktĀ“s own clock).

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I expect this has been mentioned already:

  1. ā€˜immediate pattern changeā€™ or whatever they call it - on the Rytm it is a pref - at the moment it will only change pattern on the bar.

  2. I would like Ā±36 on pitch change rather than Ā±24

  3. I know itā€™s not really an electron favourite, but I badly miss the ā€˜repeatā€™ button from my MPC (hold it down and hit a sound and the sound will repeat on a user adjustable value)


Yep. That and mute groups are what I probably miss the most. Maybe the only things.

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When you say mute groups, are you referring to setting (for example) two tracks to ā€˜group 1ā€™ so they cut each other off - like an open and closed hat? - yes I agree 100% essential feature request!


Yeah, without it, it also really limits live remixing of chopped up samples, like you would do on say an SP or an MPC. This is absolutely my #1 request. It would be so simple to add as well.

Bought the Digi on release and to be honest I havnt been using It as much as Iā€™d hope for.

Iā€™m really missing individual track lenghtsā€¦Iā€™m used to have Pads running for 8 bars (minimum!) and having an easier way to transfer samplesā€¦this limited enviroment isnt boosting my creativity, just dampening itā€¦ :frowning: as it is today Iā€™m just fiddling around with the Digi and looking at my SP 404 all the time thinking Iā€™m cheating on it. :wink:

Conditional trigs can get you 8 bars or more, 1:2, 1:4, etcā€¦ :slight_smile:


You can boost your creativity by reading P32 of the manual :slight_smile: - you already have individual track lengths with various further options!


Limited enviroments boost my creativity but I agree with you. Its still buggy and needs an update fast. Overbridge shouldā€™ve been ready by now. I havenā€™t used my Digitakt much like I hoped and looks like 2018 will introduce the next update. By then Iā€™ll be shopping for a new sampler.


I havenā€™t encountered any bug yet, at all, nothing stopped me from doing anything.
I sincerely donā€™t understand when i read extreme posts saying they wouldnā€™t buy the Digitakt in its present state for example, it doesnā€™t compute with what i have in my hands right now.


Midi retrig, please,please,please.
Solo track.


I just bought an Analog Four and Iā€™d like to sync them up.

Is there any way to make the A4 send direct pattern changes to the Digitakt? Seems like it delays it by one cycle.

If thatā€™s not possible, then Iā€™m requesting that!

  1. Pattern Chain save feature
    2)Slightly tweak the process for chaining patterns ( Include being able to repeat first pattern in chain multiple times.)
  2. Allow for being able to edit a PTN while another PTN is currently playing. Examples: such as (muting/unmuting TRIGS, changing a MIDI TRIGs BANK SOUND source to play different sounds from your synth before you switch back to that PTN.
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Allow to reload a single parameter without reloading the whole saved pattern. Or am I missing a way to do this?

If you press a trig and click the encoder the parameter will reset to default


Thanks, but I think that works for a locked parameter only. What I mean is, letā€™s say I change the tuning knob, in or out of the grid mode, and then want to revert that single parameter to its saved value. Maybe Iā€™m missing something but I only seem able to reload the whole pattern (FUNC+NO) or clear the parameter to its default value (CLICK ENCODER+NO).

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more children for the mother, some brothers for the twins erebus and his gender-role-twisted brother jomox who dont sleepā€¦

Yeap, those are the only two options indeed. You could of course temp save, then tweak the knob and revert to saved state. But I get what you mean. It would be a nice addition.

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COMB! the most underrated filter type of all time.