The collaboration thread

Hey everybody.
I’m curious if this is a forum where some of you actually get together and collaborate? I’ve never been to a synth convention or anything (until Musikmesse, which was more like a trade show), but I’d love the idea of people finding each other, and digging each others’ musical style, view of life etc. And then suddenly collaborating, and perhaps even meeting up. I guess a lot of electronic musicians are loners like myself, (or is it just me?) so perhaps meeting up for collaborations is a foreign thought?

How could we steers this forum in a direction where this could happen in a natural, and mutual way? If you’ve got any ideas then feel free to brainstorm with me here.

I just got this idea in my head. Over at the ohpeewon forum they’ve got the ongoing battles, which has proven to be one of the most lovely initiatives. And I was thinking, we could start something like that in the Elektronauts forum as well. Since there are so many devices it’d be nice if the concept was a bit loose, but still fun. So I was thinking:

How about a remix snippet thread, where one of us will start out and create a sort of snippet and post it here, downloadable from soundcloud or something. Then it’ll be up for grabs by anyone, who could then use bits and pieces and build upon it, and create your own snippet. And for the Analog users they could take the challenge and perhaps cover the previous snippet froms scratch etc. Would that be a fun idea? Anyone up for contributing if we created such a thread? I’d think it’d be great fun :slight_smile:


Yes that’s a great idea Cuckoo.

I initiated something similar like ten years ago on the Yamaha RS7000 Yahoo group. I gained a great friendship from that with someone from the Netherlands.
We were exchanging pattern files from the RS7000, maybe we can do that here too. Just exchange A4/AK sound/pattern sysex files?

This would also become very interesting with Overbridge coming.

Sounds great :+1:

I think such experience should be extended to all Elektron gear.
i don’t use DAW (no bridge for me) but i can exchange sysex and samples.

So maybe we could have few classes, i.e. one by Elektron gear, and propose things near the labs (wich have a pretty good success near elektronauts), but with differents procedures and experimental purposes than the labs have.

This is great, I love you all.
If any of youz is ever in Oregon/Pacific NW lemme know, first beers(or coffe we love coffee too!) on me.
I look forward to seeing some of you when I travel to Germany next year.

I love the tought of jamming and mingling ideas!

I’m in ! :slight_smile:
I like to do this kind of exchanges. Remixes, sharing track…

A few years ago i was using a free software to play music with other people thru the web, that was sometimes bad, that was sometims really good.
The soft i was using was:

Agree. We did a few similar projects on the old forum … not always aimed at producing finished tracks but lots of good collaborations happened anyway.

My humble recommendations to increase the fun factor:

[li]Post material in a format immediately usable by Elektron gear. i.e., if you post a loop-length .wav snippet, either keep it to 2 bars max, or provide 2-bar sections of it for MDUW users. Single-cycle waves should be loadable by MD/MnM/OT. …that sorta thing. [/li]
[li]Sample chains containing some of the individual hits would be a a big help, esp. for OT users. [/li]
[li]Provide a few details for those who care. Loop BPM, sample key/pitch, etc. [/li]
[li]If you made it on an Elektron, the original sysex is always welcome. [/li]

berlin germany … have done collaborations in person and over the internet

… I AM IN !

Maybe not a “collaboration” as such, but starting a competition based on a few simple rules can work very well. Some examples from the MI forum:

Competition ?

I’m not in anymore for this kind of things.

As stated ^

Competition’s not my cup of tea, nor remixes.

I would prefer the collaborative way of sharing :wink:

I’ve never used either, but I have had these bookmarked to revisit for a while. Maybe they are of interest to some of you:

Great input folks. Let’s do something like this. I’m also more interested in seeing if the collaboration part can spur some serious interest.

How about the files part of this forum? Is that the most natural place to put the files?

I think, since we all have different machines, let’s say a straight audio snippet recording is a bare minimum. So that anyone can join in, collaborate and contribute by ear. Sysex stuff is great, but let’s be clear about what machine the sysex data is for in the filenames. So that we don’t upload an Analog 4 pattern to a MachineDrum and potentially mess things up, ok. :wink:

been thinking about this with some people and another idea might be github. that way we track changes and know which direction people take the track. I find files is too linear and we need something more like a tree.

splice and are in a beta and invite only it seems…

been thinking about this with some people and another idea might be github. that way we track changes and know which direction people take the track. I find files is too linear and we need something more like a tree.[/quote]
Hmm, not sure github is a good solution. It’s more for managing source code files (editable files). Wav are not.

But the idea to track changes, and directions of the tracks is a good one.

Perhaps we should include a “read me.txt” in the pack, and add your nick on top, and what you did whenever you submit. I think keeping it simple and lofi will help making things happen. I could start the thread this Sunday (I think), with a little snippet, and some loose guidelines, if that’s all right with you?