The clock's ticking for nemo

that’s right, no ones ever gonna find nemo because he’ll be buried under a billion tonnes of sludge.

we need more local and international support… right now or nemo’s never comin’ home.

if you know what time it is… don’t let this massive sanctuary for sea life spend its days on the coalface. perpetuating some 17th century filthy technology is wrong, straight up. sure we need power to run our studios but there’s technology out there to clean it up. we dont need some chimney sweep shit dancing on our roof.
never before has a boy wanted more.

don’t be shy, if you have a conciousness beyond your own territory, even u can help the largest living organism in the world.

peace rockers

my friend emily’s video…

gp link…

even if u dont have the time, money or courage to do this… please reply to bump this so it stays visible as long as possible… or send the tube link to someone you know who is into this sort of shit. thanks!!!j