The Cassette thread

That’s it! More information can fit into the tape thus it is more detailed. I was reading through the Marantz manual and although it doesn’t mention the benefits it does recommend a 60-90 minute tape. If it’s 30 minutes then only 15 minutes will be available at high speed. Also, the Marantz is a 4 track therefore there will be only a single side to record on.

Peep the graphic;

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I feel blessed to have found it. I spent a lot on train fare before finally having it.

Alright dude, next time you see a good Hardoff score, hook a brother up. :wink:

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It’s the same here with my Yamaha MT50. It only operates with double speed and the speed can be tuned a little up/down, if needed.

That’s true … but try to turn the casette anyway … it’s reverse playback :wink:

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I’m sure there is an option to choose between high speed or not. Maybe it’s the pitch control? I can’t remember but I am dying to use that pitch control to make my wonky synths even more wonkier. Track those into one of my OT’s and … we’ll, dreams begin here :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:

It definitely changes the speed. I tested it, but I didn’t get down to a “standard” cassette recording speed. It always was “micky-mouse” speed :smiley:

We can use the pitch correction for more wonky-ness … sure. It’s also nice for built-up noises :wink:

Can I ask if those recording to cassette are subsequently bumping onto digital for mp3, online etc. If so how are you doing it? Does the perceived qualities of cassette stay apparent?

If recorded with adequate 24 bit and at 41, 48, or best 96 kHz, I would say yes.

I remember doing two recordings at different speeds a while ago but I just couldn’t remember the answer.
Although, the Mickey Mouse recordings sound funny, high speed and normal speed are available by the click of a switch.

Anyway, numbers 25 and 26 answer that in the manual. :wink:

And here’s a photo… it’s next to the pitch control…


Great thread!

I’ve got a YouTube channel based on the Tascam 424 called 424 Recording

If anyone is looking for vids on how to record to the Tascam 424 or 414 you can also check out the 424 FAQ. There’s some info there about repairing your machines as well.

I’m also an avid Digitakt user and it’s been a lot of fun using cassette samples and tape loops in conjunction with Digitakt.

+1 for using cassettes and cassette recorders for distortion. Keeps me coming back. Something so special about it.

Thanks for all the great info.



I’m recording from the Sony (WMD6C) line out into the line in of a Tascam DR100mkIII at 24/192 .WAV dual ADC.
Then moving the files to my laptop for the AnalogRytm and general music files.
Listening to the files at that resolution with my A&K AK320 (dual DAC) it’s exactly the same as the tape. There’s the soft noise layer, a kind of LPF effect, and pushing the recording level keeps it’s character (more an overdrive effect rather than distortion).

However, when it gets dumbed down for the AnalogRytm mkI, it has a hint of the bit reduction effect.So I’m going to try recording at 16/44 next time to see if it sounds clearer on the AnalogRytm. I didn’t notice it when I recorded directly from instrument to digital to AR, but I think what I’m hearing is that overdrive vibe being turned into distortion?

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Thanks for that. For a moment yesterday I wasn’t sure if my memory was playing silly buggers.

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Here’s the beautiful Sound Break cassette…


Appreciate any thoughts on these, available near me.

If you want a better quality recording its best to stay away from 90 tapes. I recall reading that in order to get the tape that long it is made much thinner compared to 60 or less tapes. The 90s can’t be pushed as much musically as a result if memory serves.

Also, they are just weaker physically from being thinner so they do suffer from longevity issues. This can also make your transport dirty from contamination as the tapes degrade in the recorder/player.

Of course this is all moot if one wants that effect or aesthetic!

Go for the Pioneer if budget permits, if not the Denon is a good deck. The other two are just ok.

90s are fine, same tape as 60s, it’s 120s that use thinner tape. If you look at a 90 you will see that there is more tape than a 60 but it takes more room in the shell, if you look at a 120 it looks the same as a 90 but the tape is 25% thinner to allow it to fit. Avoid 120s but anything upto and including 90 is fine.


I stand corrected and pleasantly surprised! I don’t even recall them making 120 tapes. I just thought anything bigger than a 60 had that issue. Now I can use this 90s I have whereas I was just going to chop them up or pass them on or somesuch.

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Thanks for the information … I checked my manual of the Yamaha MT50 and there seems to be only one speed called “normal”, which is at 9,5 cm/sec. The pitch slider can change the speed by ±10%, but there is no tape speed switch. The unit seems to be supposed for recording/overdubbing only and not to playing back “standard” recorded cassettes.

Since I plan to use my unit for recording, mastering, and tape saturation, this is okay for me :smiley:

Ahhh do beg your pardon. I thought you were talking about my unit. Sorry for the mix up.

I’ve just woken up after a pretty darn good sleep and the day is mine. Cassettes here I come!

Have you received yours yet, fella?