The best way to connect Octatrack, Digitone and MPC Live

Yeah, that would be awesome! I oughta try that with Ableton and my Elektrons

Just send pgm changes with the ableton clips (IIRC MIDI clips have their own pbm chng settings?), make the clips super long and add just some reinforcing / fill sorta elements on top of the synced elektron pattns. Bonus points for using the MIDI remote mute ctrls and going compeletly ext seq, dropping back again to int seq by unmuting commands… alot of possibilities really!

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OK, yes, I understand better now and I recommend you do that. I will run a very long linear sequence on my MV-8000, 45-60 minutes for example, and to that I will slave the OT where I will run 4 measure loops. I usually chain a CV sequencer that is running a series of 1 measure loops. In all of this, I try to keep a known blank pattern in any given bank so that I can jump into full improv mode should I want to. I enjoy working this way and it gives me a lot of flexibility. I can show up to a session and jam out a series of sequences if I want.


indeed! I feel a bit daft only realizing this now


Nah, nothing daft about realizing amazing new opportunities. :smiley:


tsutek - if you posted a thorough breakdown of your settings with any screenshots/snapshots you could take, some of us might appreciate that for reference… Just sayin. Although I am trying to do more without the PC / DAW stuff since MPC kind of is a DAW on its own…I still imagine your setup is worth looking at and messing with.