The best addition to my Octatrack rig

has to be this beauty…

slap in a couple synths and drum machines… bammmmm

Why did u had troubles before? Because im getting an octatrack and would like to midi sync as this: octatrack midi out to > electribe midi thru to > volca bass midi in > volca bass cv out to > volca keys cv in …
Would thAt work without prob?

It is better for every slave machine to have its own fresh clock signal. If you go Thru, the signal can degrade.

I use a Kenton Thru-5 (like the Quadra) and everything is solid.

you’d have to try it to be honest, but most of my machines don’t have thrus so I had to get something like this to get the job done…

For me it’s the Ruin & Wesen MiniComamnd, got two of them, can be a pain inthe arse to program, but you can do some amazing things with it if you have some programming chops…

And then run that through a 1x3 Thru :alien:

agreed, the quadra is an essential piece of gear for me

I will actually end up with something that has more ports…I have all 4 used up already…8 midi tracks on the OT :wink:

that should work. not too many thrus.
i have no problems going octatrack > sh32 > microsampler. i have an ancient yamaha yme8 thru box but never felt i needed it.

Yeah we use the Kenton Thru-5.
Looked at the quadrathru, and I do like that it’s MIDI powered.
Just got the Kenton cause that was what was in-stock at the shop.
Works great.
We actually use it in conjunction with a iconnectMIDI2+ so I can get the iPad in on the funz too.

OT MIDI out>iconnectMIDI2+ in
iconnectMIDI2+ out > OT MIDI in
iPad>iConnectMIDI2+(Lemur controlling OT)

iconnectmidi MIDI out(2) > Kenton Thru 5(clock/MIDI from OT)

Kenton Thru:1 Korg Microkorg
2 Roland TR-8
3 Roland TB-3
4 Alesis Micron
5 Korg KP3+

No noticeable lag or delay, but we ain’t sending much other than clock. I highly recommend the Kenton, and the iconnect if you ever need to integrate an iOS device.

I have an older piece of rack gear that has 8 thru
Anatek StudioMerge

I keep saying it over and over again.

Roland A-880 used off the 'bay for $75. Rock solid no-lag 8inx 8out Midi router (according to Innerclcock tests)