The Behringer Gear-in-progress Thread

Possibly their take on POs. I like pocket sized stuff so I’m interested!

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Im all about battery powered handheld stuff. preferably as powerful as possible :partying_face:

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Oh man I’m excited, maybe pocket operators. I love me small form factor devices


Easily leads to a number off-topic jokes. Must resist.

:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

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The JT-4000 Micro is shipping.

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Not sure this is going to be a product, but Behringer did build a prototype of what they call the SDS-3. ( Simmons SDS-3 in the Behringer Eurorack format. Not sure if the name sticks, depends on if Simmons has retained the copyright. )

No sound videos, or any videos at all as far as i can find, but if you are interested in what it might sound like you can spend the 12 minutes on this video on the Simmons version. Maybe that would fill a niche for you. I expect something around the usual Behringer semi-modular pricing.

ADDED : NoiseLab did a thread of the Simmons SDS-3, with this same video link.


Very interesting. I’m down for this and the Syncussion. That’d be a pretty sweet combo.


Behringer VC16 Eurorack Vocoder

This is prototype only so far, but they hope to have it out within a year.

Perhaps they pulled in some technology from their VC340 ( probably one of the most ignored Behringer keyboards ). Look at the CV controls on the front panel of this sucker. Dual selectable carriers, a carrier shaper a gate in with attenuverter, FM also ( or is that formant? ) with CV attenuverter control, DIN MIDI in, a formant, and the envelope sense, and USB C connection of some sort, and an XLR/line combo in.

Bet this is all analog, and with 16 bands it should sound pretty amazing. This is the original sort of product i’ve been wanting Behringer to do.

Reminds me of their PP-1 ( Perfect Pitch audio to MIDI converter ) which is already on the market. If it has that sort of price, i could see having four of these.

So the JT-4000 is the third of the four products shipping in July announcements.
( It’s OK Big B, better late than never ! )

This is the tease for what i am guessing is the fourth shipping product :

I’ve racked my brain, but came up with nothing from their GIP list that fits. Anyone care to speculate ?

Yes: They’ve cloned the donkey kong arcade machine.




I was trying to think of some sort of playable musical interface, perhaps like a drum machine.

It’s an interesting one for sure? Assuming those are yellow and blue buttons I can’t think what would have that form factor/button arrangement?

i know some modular stuff uses those kinds of arcade buttons but thats the closest thing in the music realm i can muster

Minus the green, it’s the same colors as your avatar!


Judging from one of their latest posts it seems that the UB-Xa could be ready for shipping.

(am on mobile and can’t post the link, sorry)

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I hope so!


I’m a bit baffled that the Model 15 (Grandmother clone) hasn’t been out yet. Is there something I’m missing here?