The Behringer era

What human rights issues? I am not aware of any. It’s not like only “made in USA” stuff is made by good people with good intentions.

It wasn’t pointed towards you, but in general, people that can buy $420 eurorack modules are doing pretty well I’d say.

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Did you read the OP’s post, you know, the first post out of the 763 current posts? Or… Thinking that’s ended is willfully ignorant. If anything it’s been ramped up and hidden like Foxconn.

You don’t have any information on how long it took me to save up $420 and buy my first Eurorack module that wont’ arrive for 6 - 18 months as I save up for the case :rofl:

Oh, you are worried about the Chinese common man. Let’s not get started on that, ok? It has been discussed quite a bit.

Interesting. Good luck.

True, I don’t - and I don’t really care. It wasn’t about you. In general, cheaper gear makes it accessible to more people than expensive gear.


it’s a mirror of the general socio economic situation in the so called West.

reachable products for all! As long as we slave on with little time to create :totes:

The middle field is getting narrower every year. On the other hand there will always be a boutique market for the very wealthy minority though.

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I’ve never met a single person in real life with this mind set. The only synth I own (at the moment) is a Novation Summit and I don’t like Behringer.

How did you manage to formulate this theory? Any specific basis? Evidence to provide?

most of the “outrage” about Berhinger and its China connection is skin deep or keyboard deep. When the the outrage requires physical action to actually go protest or takes real time to dedicate to the cause… most folks will bail and go back to patching some drone on their modular and posting it on YT. And all posts about capitalism being the problem should have a requirement of proof the poster did NOT lurk on Sweetwater or Thoman’s sites for Black Friday deals… literally participating in balancing the books of companies back from red to black, hence the name Black Friday.


It’s not my theory, it’s Pierre Bourdieu’s.


Yea and the Higgs Boson is why my dog’s farts smell like rotten eggs.


this got a real life LOL out of me. Thanks for that!

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Thank you thank you I’ll be here all week!

(until Behringer clones me, hires an assassin to slit my throat and bleed me dry while vacuuming up my blood to transplant into the clone and top off Uli’s vampiric elixir)

Rivederci !


if Uli’s Vampiric Elixer also has high CBD concentration to help me sleep…I’m in! Sorry about the whole bleeding you dry thing though. I’ll feel bad about it while I sleep.:wink:

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I know this thread is for releasing some heat about B’s practices, pros and cons, but please let’s keep a friendly, comprehensive and peaceful tone, dear music lovers.


off topic, but everytime I read a post of yours, your avatar makes me read it in my head like a sad person :joy:


True! An avatar can give (unwanted) impressions.
Since I use my real face as an avatar, I can bring more empathy to the table and take extra care to not be an a**.

Are people seriously complaining about Behringer copying something? Where have you been the last few years?


Can we talk about the irony that people that bashes Behringer are copying each others arguments?

(Not being serious. Let’s not do that).


It’s because they continue with their unethical behaviour that people continue to call them out. The backlash is justified IMHO. Shrugging one’s shoulders and excusing them sends the message that’s it’s all OK.


They can do whatever they want, the Universe is large and indifferent to the individual.

It’s easier to let evil consistently win than try and fight it.