Is there a quick way to delete text on the MD? Like on the OT when you press function+no it acts like a backspace key.
as far as I know…there is not…
programming on MD involves also to be sure already of the kit name…
Cheers. Can you explain what you mean by this please.
because if you want, say, to write : XYZNOW but then you realize you prefer to change it (while you wrote already the ‘W’) to something like…X-YZNOW
then you have to change each letter one by one…just to insert that space between X and Y.
Anyway…it just bumps in my mind now and in the MD’s manual i cannot find this…
…have you tried the Copy-Clear-Paste functions in the naming?
Ah I see what you mean. Yeah it’s a pain but you don’t have to rename stuff anywhere near as often as you do on the OT. It’s one of those problems I can live with. Doing the same thing on the Electribe was much worse.
I have tried the function+clear already, no joy.