a test post in a doublepost test thread
edit: yay no more doubleposts!
a test post in a doublepost test thread
edit: yay no more doubleposts!
But now I can’t post anything from my computer.
test reply from OSX 10.8.5 / Safari 6.0.5
I tried safari too can only reply from my phone
actually its working form my imac. curious. The reply button isnt greying out anymore though.
Had to remove the double-post protection, because it interfered with other stuff.
Yeah, it seems to work now. Sorry for the inconvenience!
no problem lol. thanks for sorting it so quickly. I also emailed so sorry about that ehehe but I couldn’t post so didnt know what to do.
mashing the post button
It’s broken again. Phone is working though,
It’s broken again. Phone is working though,
I cannot post from snow leopard, safari, chrome etc
This is 50th attempt (iPad)
Frustrating doesn’t begin to cover it !!!
Sorry, mixed up some files. Working again.
indeed !
jQuery is fun!