Terrible Support?

Are we sure we’re not making excuses because of our passion for the music and appreciation for small company making a boutique product? It’s not like they give them away for free.

I really don’t think I’m getting “terrible support”. At least not on the warranty related things I’ve had to contact them for.

yeah! to much fanboys here and there…

But you need to contact them when you’ve got an issue no? So have you had a problem or is it just a thinking out loud type thing? Statements need context

I really enjoy using elektron products, now for over 8 years
have been accused of being a fanboi and a hater!
have already voiced my discontent with the octa development,
will support rusty in his efforts
all I can do is, wont buy an ar new.

Well, since you asked. I posted a support request on the Elektron.SE web site, I followed up twice and I have not heard back. I’m also an avid forum reader and see frequent posts from folks advising them that they should email someone in Elektron support directly if they’re not getting a response from the support ticketing system. Are we in the music industry now, is it who you know? I also see frequent ‘they’re out at a show, getting ready for a new product, on tour with the Dead, what have you’ excuses for why they are not calling other people back. So I’m wondering if there’s a two week holiday in Sweden or a trade show I haven’t heard of or an AR keys in the works. Again from the forum, and from my synth nerds Facebook group, I see frequent reports of ‘I shipped my XYZ off to Sweden and haven’t heard hide or hair for a month’. None of that is OK. I’m told (here in the forum) I have a known issue, which begs the question why I was not contacted in the first place.
I’m in the sales and support business. I never go out generating new business I can’t back up.
Thanks for asking

I’m pretty satisfied with the support for now, always have reply fastly

^ this actually does bring up a good point…doesn’t Elektron go on an extended break in the summer (I guess it’s common for most folks in Sweden, someone can correct me)? I know they did last year. Considering how backed up they are with getting out products and support tickets, I’m really hoping they don’t go AWOL for two months or however long they usually do.

I think that everyone would agree that slow response to support requests is frustrating. I’ve certainly felt that myself and I would like to see Elektron address it.

When we think about purchasing Elektron products, we should take that into account, along with all the other factors like the generally (but not always) high build quality of the instruments, the free firmware upgrade policy, and the 3-year warranty.

My support experiences have been slow as well - usually takes a few weeks to sort through one issue. However, they do reply, and they do work on trying to address your need.

I’m still on board with the Elektron groove!

They did indeed, and though I don’t remember exactly when, I’m fairly sure it was earlier than August when AFAIK much of Europe takes holidays.

I filed a support ticket with them Friday and they haven’t answered as of now, four full work days later, so a company-wide break would explain this.

And i thought that i am alone with the problem. My story has nothing to do with the OT but with the A4. Exactly two month and 21 days i´m now without the machine. My supplier, Thomann in Germany, told me after i got a little bit upset, that they have no clue when the machine arrives. I’m right now soldering on my modular putting the pieces together… yeah

i like their instruments, but i’m not a fanboy beyond all measures, btw. to no company on earth.

There is a distinctive line between being a fanboy and when it comes to business. This are two very different things. From my point of view, they have been overwhelmed by the big response on their new products and not as much resources as needed to cope with this circumstances.

Anyway, transparency on the status regarding delivery, service etc. would be a huge leap forward. I have no problem so far with certain informations, for example a delay with shipping and some good reasons which explain that…

Customer-service is the nonplus-ultra nowadays

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I got a response back today for the ticket I opened 18 days ago. Basically they say send the following information to their US repair location. Since I don’t have the receipt (and bought it second-hand) it probably won’t be covered.

You can probably short-cut the process by contacting the folks below directly.

"Yes this is a known issue for the Octatrack. Our support is under heavy
[i]pressure right now and we are very sorry for the late reply. We have a
repair center in the US and you can contact them directly. I will paste the
information below. They will help you out.:

repairs@elektronmusicmachines.com - [/i]repairs at elektronmusicmachines dot com

[i]Please provide the following info:

Billing Address
Shipping Address
Serial number of unit
Error description.

If the unit is under warranty, please send a copy of the receipt with the

If the warranty is not effective, the cost for a repair is 45 USD per every
started 30 minutes. Spare parts and shipping is not included in this price
and CA Sales Tax is added where applicable. Its highly unusual repairs
exceeds 1 hour. Turnaround for repairs are 2-4 weeks after we receive the

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So, to clarify, you’re accusing Elektron of ‘terrible support’ for an item you purchased second hand and that you don’t have a warranty for?


Does access to good support or customer service end when your warranty runs out? seems like a bizarre business policy if so…

I’m not saying they provide poor customer service, as I have luckily never had to use it, but that comment seemed unfair to the OP - assuming he should be satisfied with unreasonable delays because he bought a unit second hand at the end of the day, it appears he is willing to pay for the service.

18 days is long time to just get a response informing the OP to then go somewhere else… these types of delays could really impact professional musicians - which I am sure is a large part of their client base… imagine not being able to play live because this is your performance instrument - how would you make your living? that could have serious implications.

Not looking to start a flame war here, I just disagree with your position…

I agree with you matic… it would suck ass…

I am not a pro-musician that feeds his family with music… I do earn myself a hamburger once in a while, once every blue moon… I can even buy a steak with my music… hooray… and yes… I will be hamburger-less if my octatrack would break down and I cant use it for a month… that would make me a very sad camper.

luckily for me… elektron always responded within a reasonable time… I even had the poor chaps replying emails at unholy times as 05:00AM or weirder…

So are they “bad” … neh… overswamped sometimes… yeah… does that make it suck less, if your without hamburgers or the means to provide for your kids… You bet your last dollar…

“So, to clarify, you’re accusing Elektron of ‘terrible support’ for an item you purchased second hand and that you don’t have a warranty for?”

Yup. What would you call complete silence and a form-letter non-answer after more than two weeks - for a known issue and the unit is within the warranty period? If I had got the form letter two weeks ago, that would be normal support.

If I called the Ford dealership to get my second-hand car fixed, I would expect the Ford dealership to call me back. If I called them to get my second-hand car fixed for a car that’s being recalled I’d expect them to call me back and deal with the recall.

It’s a lot easier for customer service departments to blame someone else instead of actively following up you problem and trying to reduce delays. Unfortunately, almost all businesses treat customer support as an expense with zero profit, so they make the budget for it as thin as they can, because that’s how they learn to do it in business school. In my view, customer support is part of sales activity and the budget should be linked to that of sales/marketing because messing up support is a good way to damage your future sales.
I like Elektron and appreciate that they’re a small company - but if you are overloaded with support requests, the thing to do is hire more people and be transparent about what your backlogs are. So, publishing this information is a negative for business competition, but leaving customers without a clue about when you will answer their support queries is worse, much worse. It’s something Elektron should work a bit harder on. I imagine they will not introduce a new machine in the next 18-24 months so now would be a good time to improve this part of their business.

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i was a bit frustrated with support few weeks ago , took about 10 days to get a response after a few emails sent off, guessing it was a house of hell with the ar coming out, all worked out in the end and received my md volume pot :slight_smile: bloody reasonable on the charge i thought, would have felt a bit different about the situation if i was depending on a gig for it though !

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Same support problem over here, asked about a repair for my MD.
I received an answer, i respond and still after 3 weeks no answer back…
Not the first time this happens…