Tekkeon MP3450i high pitch noise when interfaced with MnM..help!

I just received the Tekkeon MP3450i…when it’s not connected to anything, or just charging my iPhone its quiet, but when I hook it up to my MnM the MP3450i let’s out this high pitch sound…anyone having this issue? Btw, I have the voltage set to 6V

…I tried calling tekkeon’s CS, but its the weekend…a quick google search yielded nothing…

Btw, also makes this noise when connected to A4 @ 12V

I don’t remember this being complained about in the battery threads over on EU, maybe your battery has an issue. Hope customer service gets you sorted after the weekend.

Although I do not have a direct answer, only a suggestion, as I have not purchased one yet, along with the extended battery pack, but have done a lot of research being avidly interested in purchasing one to be able to take my A4 and headphones out on a cerebral hike in metro-parks; have you ensured you absolutely have the correct “connector tip” with correct ring/tip -/+ for each respective instrument?
I ask because Tekeon website has plethora of other tips for sale for fact that you only get so many and certain ones with that model and silly as it may seem, that’s been what’s been made me a bit hesitant to pull trigger on it because nothing seemed indicative on those tiny tips you exchange of which is correct for what other than eyeballing it.
I am very interested in knowing what you find out and even pm me when you do, if you will?!
I brought this up for fact that it’s possibly, unfortunately, to place the wrong polarity/voltage, just as members here have unfortunately on rare occurrences erroneously placed another Elektron instrument’s power supply on the A4, for instance.
Hope this helps as it may not be as obvious as “if it fits it’s the correct adapter”.

Although I do not have a direct answer, only a suggestion, as I have not purchased one yet, along with the extended battery pack, but have done a lot of research being avidly interested in purchasing one to be able to take my A4 and headphones out on a cerebral hike in metro-parks; have you ensured you absolutely have the correct “connector tip” with correct ring/tip -/+ for each respective instrument?
I ask because Tekeon website has plethora of other tips for sale for fact that you only get so many and certain ones with that model and silly as it may seem, that’s been what’s been made me a bit hesitant to pull trigger on it because nothing seemed indicative on those tiny tips you exchange of which is correct for what other than eyeballing it.
I am very interested in knowing what you find out and even pm me when you do, if you will?!
I brought this up for fact that it’s possibly, unfortunately, to place the wrong polarity/voltage, just as members here have unfortunately on rare occurrences erroneously placed another Elektron instrument’s power supply on the A4, for instance.
Hope this helps as it may not be as obvious as “if it fits it’s the correct adapter”.[/quote]
Yeah, the tip is the correct one. The device only works with center positive devices (which the elektron boxes are)…the tips can only go on the cord one way, thus ensuring the polarity is correct…the only difference between the tips is the physical size of the barrels…I found one that fits perfect.

That’s good to know and thanks in regards to how the tips/polarity is set-up on Tekkeon. I have not seen this product physically in stores, only on their website and B&H Camera have them.
Did you get your buzzing sound sorted? I was wondering if you had tried a different location to see if you were somehow picking-up some EMF/EMI from somewhere? Hopefully you do not live under massive tower of power lines!