Teenage Engineering EP-133 K.O. II

yes, will be sorted!

saw that you sorted it by running again. what desktop-os vs browser version did you use?

try upgrade again, you can power-up while holding the REC button which will force it to stay in ‘bootloader mode’, then go to the update page and try once more.
please do (Option + ⌘ + J (on macOS), or Shift + CTRL + J (on Windows/Linux) in your browser and if you see an error message in the javascript console, drop it here or DM me

thanks for reporting. we will work on this + midi in general

seeing people ask about L+R being swapped,
this is known and fixed in 1.1.2 which will be out soon

thanks @djadonis206 :pray:
resampling will happen, solves many things like baking lpf/hpf filter + fx into a new sample. also looking at some other creative ways to use the resample feature. stay tuned


Amazing news! This would be a game changer.


Yes never seen before lol :joy:



We need audio over USB C!
sampling / mangling / editing and recording back to the daw in sync with just 1 cable!


TE-David now that we on the subject of adding cool workflow features to a next udate please consider this.

My personal workflow i don’t finish anything on the KO II itself but i do kickstart a lot of the meat and potatoes of my projects specially drums. Last project I finished the drums came straight from the KO II. The way i managed to record the patterns to the daw to keep producing / mixing the track was recording the pattern in sync while soloing each individual pad and just making 4 bar runs of each of the different elements. This give me the idea that perhaps it would be possible to setup the machine on a “dump” mode that once you set it up like with a keyboard or so and you hit play the machine itself will solo for the duraction of the pattern each individual pad where there is actual midi / note information recorded to it. I hope this make sense. Basically you command the machine to wait for a incoming sync signal and record enable a incoming stereo track on the daw , hit play and it will record /dump each individual used pad / channel in sync to be further edited that way, editing is done in a breeze in terms of workflow.

i don’t know of any sampler i have that does this automatically… not sure if its difficult in terms of programing, but that would be realy handy i feel.

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Roland SP404mk2 is your friend.

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this would obviously take a while (since real-time) but kinda like the idea.
our sysex implementation for the backup-tool has the info and could be used to achieve this (with a separate script)…

we’re also looking at if traditional MIDI bank select would make sense to change scenes and patterns from a DAW or a controller. this would allow doing a bit what you explain. even though we would do it automatically, in the end it’s only you that knows in what order patterns would play, for how many bars etc.


Great and welcome news. Looking forward to it :v:t4:


I’m loving what you’ve been putting down @te-david

I’ve been having a ball with KO2 and hearing your comments further validates the decision to grab one early. The fact you’re online answering users on a Holiday says a lot.

Thank you :pray:t4:


yea something ala SP404 mk2 but way more lighter on the backpack LOL!

Just curious (developer here with some Apple platform experience, as well as some free time :sweat_smile:), would there ever be any interest in some sort of open source library for talking to the device from Apple platforms?

Swift packages are pretty good now, multiplatform (Mac and iOS+ in the same package) and if something foundational is open sourced, that can prevent “app store rot” from infecting companion apps and rendering them inoperable, buggy, etc. as time goes on.

The web app right now is pretty awesome, but as a fan of native Apple things I bet it’d be even nicer to use a native app.


Hehe, yep I may have got slightly carried away there…


@te-david, I was on the fence about the KO2, but this is the kind of thing makes me want go ahead and buy it. In fact, I’ve been taking a closer look at your other products since seeing you active here. Cheers to you and merry Christmas!


your M8 just made a sad face emoji in the old fashioned way, top to bottom.



@te-david I have encountered the following issue several times. When I sample something and the storage is full the new sample does not get saved. When I then try to sample again the KO2 says it’s already full. So where did the new sample go? My only solution has been to plug the KO2 in to the computer and open up the sample tool, I can then see the storage slowly ticking down to it’s correct size.

Is this something you’ve encountered/heard of as well?


sure, I believe first up would be a cross-platform solution for the ‘basics’, i.e. sample transfer and backup/restore. something we more or less have ready (except for browsers not supporting web-midi). making an extension or wrap a js-app in react-native would solve the interop with people (like me) not wanting to install chrome.


thx king!


oh! are you on OS 1.1.1 ?
the only I can think of is that…, if you’re close to full, then the last erased sound(s) would take a while to free up, i.e. sample might say ‘full’ even though there might be space a few seconds in the future. what we could do of course is to show a message/floppy-anim when entering sample when the available flash-area is in need of ‘free-up / garbage collection’.

the slowly ticking down ‘sizing’ is due to the fact that NOR flash by nature has a fairly slow erase cycle, meaning, we can quickly tag areas on flash as “available” when a sample is removed, erased, undo’ed. but in the background, we have a bg task that is async that free up space to make the overall UI experience smooth, this is why you see space not being immediately available.


made a chiller beat today, as it is the season of chill. still having a blast with this toy! made it on the 133 and fx’d/rec’d through the 404. the cassette catch effect went wild a few times, as it tends to do when i smack it too hard