Posting it here in case anyone wants to hear some techno made live using the Analog Rytm, (and OT and Volca Bass), and to hear if anyone has some good tips on production or such.
I hope you like it!
Posting it here in case anyone wants to hear some techno made live using the Analog Rytm, (and OT and Volca Bass), and to hear if anyone has some good tips on production or such.
I hope you like it!
Pretty good stuff. Maybe a bit one-dimensional, it might benefit from an element that sticks out a bit more.
I agree with above. The beat is nice, but it is continuously for 8 minutes which gets boring. Try to include min. 2 breaks which cut out the kick-line and generates some real chaos (open all delay, ,decays, revs, etc.).
Then bringing this nice kick line back. Keep up the good work, definitely some potential.
Thank you so much for your valuable feedback! It’s definitely taken into account.
You know what’s funny, most people have been telling me for my last couple of songs that there is too much going on, I should focus on the rhythm and stick with the basics. Cut away everything that isn’t necessary, etc. And now when I showed them this track they thought I had hit the sweet spot; one person is even going to release this track and one of my other one on vinyl., hah.
It’s beautiful, how everyone prefers different things. I can agree with both camps, I want to keep it as basic as possible, yet not too boring and stale., like you said.
Thanks again for the input, I really really appreciate it. I will aim for balance.