Ext. Mini Controller & Digitakt


I’m thinking about getting a Digitak for all the good stuff we already know… :wink:
(Esp. for drums & one-shot sampling.)

But I need to seq/arp/create-chaos for my synth (Minilogue XD), and Toraiz Squid/NDLR/KeyStep Pro seems a good idea to jam and create stuff on the fly.

I’m not sure how to wire that (and if it’s possible). Asking for advice.

My idea : Squid/Keyboard thru Digitakt to Synth. “thru” to play Squid seq in synth and record midi (and re-play) seq in digitak when i like it. Is it possible ?


Just curious, but why do you need the squid? XD can sequence itself. Or use the DT to sequence the XD. I’d try those out before spending more money on a sequencer when you’ll already have the Elektron sequencer.

Because the DT sequencer does not seem “random” enough and with advanced & intelligent harmonic management. It’s really a step by step, note by note, chords by chords (and not automatically generated)

I know it seems lame, but i’m not really into music/harmony theory, and I need something more helpful/generative for my synth part.

I have the squid it’s not going to generate fantastic melodies and chords for you,
it still will require you to work a bit to make something good melodically.
but it does generate Euclidean Rytms quick that are great for drums.
Overall it’s not perfect but I like it and has some pretty cool features and is helpful for coming up with ideas and time warp captures everything…

but elektron sequencers are powerful on their own also with the conditional locks and parameter locks!

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And do you know if the wiring/workflow I wrote above is possible? Generate & play through the DT directly to a synth, and record MIDI from the Squid when it’s good.

Not entirely sure about randomness but have you seen NDLR?

Polyphase on iOS does random/scale stuff too.

Hopefully someone can give more insight on the Squid even though it seems @DanJamesAUS gave some solid feedback


Yes should be able to do that.

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Yes, i saw the NDLR. A friend of mine has it, so I would like to add something :slight_smile: But I’m looking for something similar yes !

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I edit the post, because my question is the same with iPad App/Keyboard, etc…
