Sysex for programming sequences?

Hi there,

It may be a weird thread…

I’m often exploring algorithmic based sequence generations.

I’d like to generate sequence and to feed syntakt, digitone and digitakt.

Is it possible to do that?
I can imagine to send sysex directly, on the gly, to alter the current pattern.
I could also imagine to generate sequence, on the sysex file format required then to upload the whole file containing patterns computer generated in a secijd step.

Any one would have explored that?

Julien Bayle

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There is some exploration of the Digitone’s patches (if not patterns) in a previous topic:

There is much more available for Elektron’s older instruments in other topics on the forum.

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Hi @PeterHanes and thanks for your answer.
I’ll check these out.

Can’t find any sysex chart or official things from @Elektron itself.

Would love to program a Max patch for this and to pop it out too.

I believe the consensus is that most Elektron devices don’t really use sysex for much.

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Elektron only ever made information available for the Machinedrum and Monomachine.

Some intrepid developers have decoded information for the AR, AF, and the Digis.

Perhaps someone of your renown could make Elektron be more forthcoming?

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Unfortunately I don’t think this is possible - at least not easily. In theory you could reverse engineer the pattern sysex but even then your changes would require a full pattern load each time you make a change. I’ve fantasized about this many times but never put the work in.

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I don’t mind send a while bundle of sysex messages each time. I would use it for on-the-fly manipulation on stage.
I’d generate sequences on the computer, then send the whole stuff.

Reverse engineering this could be tricky, yes.
Probably more than uncompyling byte codes as I keep doing for Live Midi remote scripts etc.

I still didn’t get machines in my studio
But I’d be very interested in doing this as soon as I can.
My work is at the juncture of construction/deconstruction, and building sequences algorithmically (as for my GRID project) and feeding machines with them would be at one of the cores of my art practices.

Never tried, but looks like it can generate patterns from m4l?

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Thanks. If m4l, then things should be visible.
If I can work on it soon (time time time…), and achieve something, I’ll write a complete description of it somewhere as I did for MIDI remote scripts for Ableton Live:

Create progressions, pouting retrig triggers following series or whatever like this is something I’m chasing here, too. So generating, pushing this to the unit would save time.
Obviously, we can use whatever to trigger things using Midi On the fly, but pre generating + uploading and live performing

Ready to start to decode as soon as… I got the machines.

I’d be happy to be in touch with @Elektron people to propose them to create a m4l, or eventually a standalone algorithmic programmer for these machines.

Elektron will not communicate how sysex work on their machines, apart from MnM and MD which are documented in the manual. Trust me, I tried !
This is probably the best resource, although not for the ST.


If I had a machine! I’d work on it asap.