Synths for a non-keys player

Hi all,

I’ve recently sold my drumkit and a random assortment of guitar-related gear and invested in a solid laptop running Machine and Ableton Suite 9. I have a Maschine, Nord Drum 2, and Push for controllers. Soft-synths seem like a good idea (the Arturia V collection especially) but I’ve always been a fan of outboard gear (since owning a TR-808 some years ago).

I managed to get great deals on both a Roland RS-101 and Elektron Analog Four and I’ve been thinking about adding one more hardware synth to round things out. Originally I was looking at a Moog Minitaur or even Sub Phatty but bumped into a Roland SH-1000 in a local shop and loved it. I see Kenton offers a CV/Gate upgrade so I could (presumably) sequence it with the Analog Four (or potentially play it with the Push using the Analog Four as MIDI-to-CV).

So, realistically, with Ableton/Push, Roland RS-101 string machine, Elektron Analog Four all at the ready - would you recommend one of the Moog synths or a CV/Gate modded Roland SH-1000?

(FYI the point about not being a synth player means I will not be ripping any Yes-style solos - I’m looking for sequenced basslines, pads, melodic lines, etc)

I think the genre(s)/style/types of music you make play a role in your selection. That being said, Moogs can fit in anywhere :slight_smile: If you have massive funds, check out the new DSI. As for the Roland, I’m a huge fan of the TRs and TBs, but for whatever reason I’m not sold on the new line. Maybe I’ll pick up a used System-1 in a few years but it’s low on my list. I’ve only played with the TB-3 tho.

Well it look like the RS-101 fell through which, combined with what the SH-1000 would cost, frees up $900. I have a line on a Sub Phatty for just over $600, if I want it, but I’ve never been the greatest with keys + mono (in my mind it’s almost better to sequence a Minitaur than pay a Sub Phatty). I’ve looked at a Juno as well (sounds good, not sure if I’m jazzed o it) and an Oberheim OB12 (less jazzed than the Juno) and even a Sub 37 (like the paraphonic option although with the Elektron limited to 4 voices I’d still only be at 6 total).

The more I delve into the world of hardware synths, especially those with keys associated, the more I wonder if it’s even the right direction…

With the amount of complex and versatile new gear that you have, maybe it would be worth getting familiar with all of it in order to find out what else you need to “round out” your sound?

Something like the Oberheim SEM or Korg MS20 Mini might be up your alley. They are both semi-modular but work just like regular monosynths without any patching. They would both integrate nicely with the A4 via CV and perhaps even open the door to full on modular synthesis if you enjoy the patching aspect of them.

With the amount of complex and versatile new gear that you have, maybe it would be worth getting familiar with all of it in order to find out what else you need to “round out” your sound?[/quote]
This is actually the conclusion I came to when getting down and dirty with the A4 - it’s such a versatile machine by itself that adding something else right now might not be the wisest…

I’m not a keyboard player. Guitar and bass were my instruments, and I’ve always been mediocre at best at keys, hence why I was attracted to grooveboxes from the jump, the reason why I bought a a Novation Launchpad as soon as it was released, etc. But having gotten a few keyboards, I’ve become a much better player through exposure, and the more I play the more I want keys. I wouldn’t let it be a barrier in making a choice on a synth, unless space is an issue. After 6 months, you’ll be far more proficient than you are currently, and it is another expressive tool in your arsenal even if you still program 99% of everything.

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do you like playing percussively? or just messing with stuff while it’s being sequenced? :slight_smile:
i’ve only messed with one in a store, but some of that is fun with the sub phatty…tbh, i wish moog would make a drum machine lol

like “playing” the preset buttons, get a sequence going or just tap with the keys with one hand, then switch between a bunch of percussion sounds or external input processing sounds you’d saved with the other.
or get a sequence going, turn on the switch mode parameters and play the different filter and amp envelope modes, like looping/gate/reset, or filter slope with the keyboard.

do you like playing percussively? or just messing with stuff while it’s being sequenced? :slight_smile:
i’ve only messed with one in a store, but some of that is fun with the sub phatty…tbh, i wish moog would make a drum machine lol

like “playing” the preset buttons, get a sequence going or just tap with the keys with one hand, then switch between a bunch of percussion sounds or external input processing sounds you’d saved with the other.
or get a sequence going, turn on the switch mode parameters and play the different filter and amp envelope modes, like looping/gate/reset, or filter slope with the keyboard.
I come from a drumming background - I’ve always loved anything percussive/drum machines. Love Maschine, Push, etc.
I’ve shaken free a lot of desire for another synth with the A4 but I’m still going to inspect the next Sub 37 that comes in as having absolutely no keyboard feels strangely odd.