Synth Forums : clearing off-topic stuff

Yup. I once got excluded by saying that I’d censored


Yup, who hasn´t…:wink:

And people here are very touchy about certain topics. Don´t mention that you have a lava lamp that uses electric energy…

Perhaps, but the flag button does wonders here, as well as the mods. General rudeness is swept away almost instantly and only rarely does the discussion go to flamewar territory. Naturally all communities have unwritten rules on how to behave, but Elektronauts is one of the nicest I’ve stumbled upon on the internet.


But you have to admit that Elektronauts is better off without Trump vs. Clinton or Vaxer vs. Antivaxers flamewars :wink: or other conspiracy theories that kind.

In general this is the best forum that teaches for life (nobody will be happy if one discusses those topics on christmas eve with the parents, eh?)


No i don´t, but most of the times i don´t understand why. And not only in my case, also in other ones cases i don´t understand. Because when i see other posts…that are totally unrelated and offtopic…those don´t get flagged, but should be…Maybe because i am not a native speaker, i am missing sometimes the point? :man_shrugging:


I was refering to the latter. Or political discussions … that overheat by design mostly. Always. At least if there’s one with other believes.

And honestly, on the topic of the A4 sounding dull, it’s a fact and not matter to subjective opinion, so I don’t know why that one keeps coming back.


EDIT: I really do think this was on topic :slight_smile: it was a payoff to an earlier made comment, which in itself was inspired from the original topic. I feel like a low talent stand up comedian who just got censored because my joke was so bad, not even the point got across, haha :slight_smile:


It’s also important to stay on topic, as well as know to let go if it seems like you’re starting to argue just for the joy of arguing. It’s what keeps this place such a stress free enviroment.


Cheap converters… 'nuff said! … oh wait … that was the OT … wrong thread! Sorry :see_no_evil:

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Yup, no second opinion here.

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The only “dull” about the A4 is it´s flat init sound. That´s a fact. But lets stop here, before the mods have to split this topic …

Jesus Christ what a guy.



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I always thought it’s pretty hard to get flagged. Managed it once or twice for being off topic. Maybe I am know again?

Ever considered that your spat between you and @ghostbuddy is kind of off-topic and easily taken to DMs and/or your language is easily considered “inappropriate”?

(I didn’t flag.)


I rarely flag but when I flag it’s because it’s an annoying OT (off topic, Octatrack is of course not annoying!) discussion / bragging / conspiracy theories that are complete BS / impolite behaviour.

nothing to do with biased… (haven’t flagged your posts) but I have also seen that you have been flagged in other threads … and those post were often in that spectrum.

Never seen that people get mugged here… it usually has a direct relation to the stuff they’re posting.


that spectrum.

It’s called common sense.


I’m about to turn 50. I spent years of my life with anger issues, substance overuse, general avoidance of feelings and denial of my own shit, defensive sense of superiority, mental health challenges, etc. I’ve been divorced, remarried, dealt with my kids going through serious shit, career uncertainty, trying to keep relationships together, all the rest.

At this point in my life, I’m focused on finding love and empathy for myself and others. This all may seem OT and corny, but the point is I appreciate the hell out of this little corner of the internet where people seem genuinely interested in and compassionate about each other, even though we’ve mostly never met one another IRL and likely never will. The mods have a lot to do with keeping things on track (thanks, folks!), but it’s the community that really makes this forum what it is. There’s no overlord who’s imposing a monolithic view here–it all happens by general consensus.

For some people, that may feel stifling or woke or repressive or boring or whatever, and I don’t judge that. Me 15 years ago probably wouldn’t have loved this forum as much as me today does. I’m not a “better” person now than I was then, just happier. I still have tendencies towards some of my bad habits of thought and action, and the general good vibes here help keep me from sliding into them (my posts here are very different from my posts on political comment boards, etc., which I’m trying to detach from).

I empathize with what @plusn and others who are frustrated are saying: it sucks to feel disapproval or rejection. That’s a very human feeling. But we all have our own feelings, and if someone flags your post or doesn’t like what you say you don’t have to take that on. For me, I’m trying these days to understand when people don’t like me or my behavior, and to take from that what feels meaningful to me and not to dwell on what doesn’t. Being “right” used to matter so much to me, and now I see that mostly caused me misery… (And if I’m engaged with a thread, I usually click to show flagged comments, so it doesn’t really censor those posts for me).

I also appreciate that there are people of all ages, nationalities, experience levels, etc. here (wish there was a bit more diversity in some other ways, but hey, this is an internet forum about gear!). I appreciate the salty Brits, the blunt Germanic folks, the chill Scandinavians, and all the rest. And I do believe that sometimes flagging/misunderstanding happens because of native language differences. So let me also once again thank all of the non-native English speakers here for the effort you make! I genuinely wish I had your linguistic abilities…

Edit: sorry for the tl;dr post! I got a little carried away (and have ADHD issues I’ve documented thoroughly here :crazy_face:). But you guys mostly put up with me anyway and that’s another reason I spend time here!


no man, read the topic title. It’s just OT. Maybe create another thread?

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