So Syntakt seems to have a noise issue when Im using Overbridge, I have this white noise coming out constantly. I also own digitakt and digitone - both of them produce little to no noise even when I crank up the levels at mastering. I also noticed that the majority of the noise is coming from the analog fx track (when I do 16x stereo individual tracks and stop monitoring it - most noise disappears).
Ive already got the unit replaced - no change, so I must be not getting something?
…i expierence a massive difference in maingain of the st, compared to other digis…
so, first of all, i’d say, lower ur main volume output of the syntakt…
it’s already incredible loud at 12 'o clock…
the internal gainstaging in this digi/analog hybrib, where also filter and overdrive settings created each on their own from both domains while have to coexist, to blend and compliment each other, is a tricky thing…
and check ur analog filter settings…resonance might be way off while not visible yet, when low pass is still totally open…
Thanks for the reply! I may have not been clear enough -the issue is when I am using Overbridge!
The machine doesnt make a noise as loud when I listen to it directly with headphones. Another thing, is that the analog drive effect is way more amplified when I am using Overbridge. Again, it sounds normal when I listen to the machine directly…
Any solutions? Im just trying overbridge for the first time and there’s a high pitched buzzing in the background. Sounds like interference from something.
I made some test, not only I have the issue on overbridge, but also with the analog outputs. And I also tested the headphone output, same issue. The noise is located somewhere on 4khz, very difficult to get ride of it. The only way I could get rid of it is when I turned the stereo recorded track from the Syntakt in mono.
I am basically running into the same issue and was just wondering if anyone found a fix for that?
Lots of noise just from the fx track via overbridge, even if I am not routing any track into it.
Actually same when just plugging headphones in. Analog tracks are fine for me, its just the fx track.
Even when not playing I have a constant noise, by bringing the level down for the fx track the noise is gone. Also “drive” seems to affect it as well. What’s odd though, when I set drive to 11 the noise is actually getting quieter.
The fx track is going through analogue circuits so there is bound to be some noise. Try pulling the drive down to zero, to see if it reduces the noise.
Thats the odd part. I am able to reduce the noise by actually increasing the drive.
Also, the other analog tracks are fine and I guess they go through analogue circuits as well?
I really love my syntakt, but this noise in the overbridge track is a mess… and one day I just changed the type of filter in the FX channel)))
This is not a problem, but an effect of the 2n filter in the FX track. just change the filter type! I found this by accident when I was looking for an answer to the same problem!
Here is the support response I received: “This is due to a known firmware bug (related to the FX track digital mix), and we hope to have a fix for the next OS update.”
But apparently, they didn’t manage to fix it in version 1.30.
I asked @DaveMech about this 2n filter noise in comments, and he said he hadn’t noticed it.
That’s interesting too—maybe not all Syntakts have this issue. Do you have a black Syntakt or a gray one?
If you have no plan to use FX track(sometimes it happens ) you can change FX track envelope from Inverted AHD to AHD or ADSR. It decreases noise even more.