So I Have the midi notes playing from the syntakt to my pro 800, but none of the dials work on the pro 800. Tried turning on/off several different midi sections on the syntakt, but the syntakt is solely responsible for all the dials on the pro 800. And no idea what dials they are corresponding to…any way to just send midi note on/off data and gain back the use of the knobs on the pro 800???
See if there’s something here that helps you figure out what’s going on, I think the pro 800 is most likely the culprit in this instance.
New Behringer Pro-800 knobs and switches not responding : r/synthesizers
Hope that gets you sorted.
Will check that out thanks, but what’s even weirder is that it worked no problem with my a4mk2. The only thing that’s changed is I’ve put the midi cable into the syntakt. Will plug back into the a4 when I get a chance.
then you’ll need to send syntakt through a midi monitor and see what it says, it will tell you if some cc or realtime command is being sent that might restrict the behringer’s onboard controls.
if nothing is out of the ordinary in the midi data stream, then you have to focus on the Pro-800, especially if you’ve already compared all the midi and channel settings between the A4mk2 and the syntakt and nothing is amiss.
only having the facts is going to get you there, otherwise it’s just guessing until you hit on it, but hopefully it’s not too bad to work out because I think unless it’s a bug or the local control like that link indicates it might be, then it can only be one of so many things and you just have to eliminate them including start by trying a different DIN midi cable just in case.
good luck, maybe (hopefully) it will turn out to be simple.
actually, thinking about it, I was using an online editor for the 800 with the a4…maybe I clicked something, or when closing the page it did something to it…only works with chrome and I deleted that browser as I dont like it
oh man I hate configuration apps lol ok well dang, you might have to go back to it and verify what the present config looks like before you spend hella time trying to troubleshoot something you can’t even touch without the app.
still possible it’s something else though, but if that stuff happened with the A4 and you haven’t really tried anything like that since, then it’s definitely the first place to check beyond what you’ve already done.
LMK if you figure it out so that I’ll know the answer next time someone mentions a problem like this
Is there a Local On/Off function on the Pro-800? That’s what you’re describing.
that’s what the link suggests.
will do, as the online interface worked really well, but chrome sucks for me. May get an AU editor for it instead, just been looking at them now, couple look good, but I dont see the same amount of behind the scenes menus that the online editor shows me. If it comes to it, I may have to bite the bullet and just get chrome again, so I can at least see what the issue is, sort it out and then get an AU editor.
Thanks for your help though, actually jogged my memory to realise I had used the online editor in the first place
yup, no worries. hopefully just something simple on the backend.
Yes, the culprit was the midi local on synth tribe app…working great now, cheers guys And I dont need to download Chrome again thankfully
Now you can get back to business
Glad it was simple in the end! Have a nice Christmas
Cheers Shiggs, Merry Chrimbobulektronations to you!!!
on another note…it now seems to be completely screwed after using working perfectly for an hour. tried factory resets, on latest firmware and its gone completely kooky bananas. barely any sound getting out, intermittent sound coming through, fairly crackly sounding, so I guess its taking a trip back to the store I bought it from
So, you’re getting a bad crackling and interference over USB currently? After it worked fine for some time? Or is this crackling at the outputs to your monitors over component audio? Through a mixer or something.
If this is a USB audio problem, maybe it would be good to try a different ASIO driver or something. I don’t have a lot of input on that unfortunately. If you’re experiencing crackling and intermittent sound out of the outputs or headphones, I’d try a basic thing first like swapping cables or swapping headphone adapter, also if you have an appropriate power supply you can switch with, just to rule out most external causes so your efforts aren’t wasted if you troubleshoot the device.
Or maybe you determined that the pro-800 is the source of the crackling?
im using the midi out from the syntakt to play it, but audio out from the 800. the usb cables I use are pretty good quality anyway. my older ones I couldnt even get the digitone to play all its tracks through overbridge, but upgraded the cables and have 12 from syntakt, 4 from digitone running through overbridge flawlessly. running under an m1 Mac OS. not had any trouble from the 2 machines at all since upgrading the cables. I havent even had to adjust the latency timing with them. 16 tracks almost bang on the metronome. have an a4mk2 as well, but not enough inputs on the MacBook Pro to have all 3 running together at the moment. was looking to grab an overhub or similar for it but im digressing here lol
Using the 800 for that hour though, the tuning was all over the place, so I did factory reset, re tuning, and it was working but osc 1 was still way out of tune. then not long after, just went kookie bananas.
tried all the synth tribe settings and looks like its done. Nothing is working. says on latest firmware as well. Back to the shop I reckon
also literally used it like around 5 times since owning. so pretty much brand new
Yeah that’s bullshit. You know, I just read a reddit post though, and someone had a similar issue which seemed related to the calibration. The pro-800 should have a “tune” button that does a full calibration when you do a short press, or a “quick” calibration when you hold the button for a long press.
I just read that doing the reset could make it worse because it will forget the calibration, and it sounds a bit like that happened in your scenario. Why don’t you try a short press on the “tune” button and wait for it to calibrate, then see if it’s improved some.
If you press a key, and it plays the wrong note, and then you press the same key and it plays another wrong note then it would definitely imply the oscillators are out of tune, and out of tune from each other as well.
Might be easiest just to return it if you don’t really like it aside from the current trouble, but attempting the calibration from the machine by using the tune function won’t hurt anything at least.
You may have already done exactly this though, just mentioning for posterity.
Are you using a TRS or TS cable?
I have done the tune for a full calibration and it was still way off…almost 5 cents between the 2 oscillators and ive checked in the app, that I can tune to within 0.5 cents. still was out by almost 5. but it was working fine other that. went for dinner, like 20 mins, came back, switched on and it was up the kyber pass without a carry on star in sight
Using a TS cable at the moment to xlr into the 2x6se. cable hasnt been touched or moved and its a fairly new cable that ive had no problems with thus far.