Syncing a VST with OT

So when you run Analog Lab standalone it actually syncs nicely to the Octatrack as master!

The only downside I see really is the presence of the buffer (0.7ms) which isnt a deal breaker by any means but it does mean all samples live recorded from the VST have a tiny delay to them.

Is there a way to delay compensate the Octatrack?

You can probably change the start point of the sample or use micro timing to nudge the trig for sample start a lil bit.

I see what you are saying but I am not quite sure if there is a known “live sampling” solution.

The micro timing makes the most sense since it will give you the needed control.

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Yeah It seems micro timing adjustment is the only solution. It’s not really such a bad one either, at worst only the midi trig on the same step as the record trig would have to be off by the amount of the buffer. Micro timing could make every other trig fall more accurately if needed. Not that it matters these days ;- )

Is anyone else playing with stand alone VSTs controlled by the OT?

You can also use swing to delay all trigs.
Select all swing trigs of all tracks > add swing holding Fn.

Edit : ah yes for rec trigs, microtiming.

Eventually use Audio Editor if the recorded loop is ok. Select the beginning and use ROTATE POS TO START to shift the audio.

There’s a delay compensate option, but it doesn’t seem useful here.

DELAY COMPENSATE will when activated introduce a very short delay to the audio signal listened to via the DIR setting. If for example an audio signal is listened to through both the DIR input and a Thru machine/Pickup machine, both signals will then be in sync. If DELAY COMPENSATE would have been deactivated in the above scenario, the delay caused by the internal processing would make the audio signal routed to the Thru/Pickup machine play a few milliseconds later than the DIR signal. The combined DIR and Thru/Pickup signal would then exhibit a slightly phased sound.

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I figured out what you guys were saying. Thanks for the support :- )

I’ve attached a little widget I made in Excel to help quickly find usable Microtiming intervals for delay compensation. Just input your project tempo at the bottom and it gives the first 8 microtiming lengths for a standard 4/4 project.

Microtiming Calculator.xlsx (5.3 KB)


@bogus, Maybe I made an error myself, but I’m not sure about your maths


I found values twice higher…
24 microtiming values per step, 96 per quarter note

I was pretty sure microtiming divided each step into 48 pieces. Atleast that’s how many I counted on screen.

Anyway I have been playing with syncing ableton to the OT and using its internal error compensation thing to decent success. Basically making a super instrument for the OT to sample from.

I also have been having great success using the Arturia V collection in standalone on a PC. I use a presonus Studio 24C at 96KHz with a 32 sample buffer so only 0.3ms of latency! Sounds awesome when sequenced and modulated by the Octatrack