Switching programs on the pulse 2

Thanks Mike- I do understand that’s how it is- I just don’t understand why that’s how it is! Why that decision was made for the OT design. It really seems an unneccessary limitation - for example, you can’t set up a ‘kit’ on an external synth.

MD, OT ancester, have plockable PC, even lfo.
Midi processor ! :slight_smile:

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I literally just won an ebay auction 1 minute ago for a midi solutions event processor plus :slight_smile:

Cool, count on me. I have many scripts easy to upload with a midi interface.
And I recently found a crazy powerfull trick with the crossfader and EPP. Can’t tell more. :slight_smile:


By the way, for any interested Pulse 2 owners, Waldorf support sent me a user-made updated list of patches for the factory soundset. It lists the 400+ patches by both number and by category, and there are pdf and xls versions. Feel free to PM me if you want a copy.


Yes, the MIDI specification for Bank Changes messages has two segments, making use of both CC 0 and CC 32 to allow a very large number of program Banks. Many synths with only a few banks respond only to CC 32 but Elektron unfortunately chose to only implement CC 0.

Yes, Program Change is a different type of message from Control Change.


I followed @sezare56 's suggestion and just took delivery of the MIDI Events Processor Plus. 15 minutes after opening it and connecting to a USB-MIDI interface on my computer, I have programmed it and connected it to my set up. I now have an OT that can send Program Change messages per step! :heart_eyes:


:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: More than per step with lfo, or arp if you map pc to notes.


You can do a LSB/MSB bank change in OT, but it needs to happen simultaneously with a part change:

(Apologies if this was already mentioned in the thread.)

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