Software Discussion Thread (discuss software bargains, pros, cons and tips here)

Hopefully this will be a home for bargain discussions and help keep the sales thread free relevant.


This one looks interesting and I didn’t know about this before today. It seems prices are about $20 each.

Lots of interesting software devices

I’m likely buying Bento, Oganku and Berna 3. They’re all standalone, but Bento and Berna 3 look great for adding noise to the modular rack (using Morphagene).


Off topic but what does it say about me that first I thought this was the sex work thread, then I thought it was the social work thread, THEN I realized it was the software thread

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I’ve got Berna3 and Bento. Both excellent!


Just finished watching the Berna 3 video. This gonna be fun. I’ve been wanting some extra noise sources and am still looking to add more Error Instrument modules, but this will be fun to play around with…

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Responding here so it doesn’t get flagged.

I wasn’t aware of what the apulSoft plugins could do. I love the different sync options for adding effect animation to the designed sound, plus the additional effects, sound really good.

I’ve been going through their demo videos and I’m really impressed at what they can do for sound design and mixing. They’re not just preset switches (although I’m sure you can do that too), but all the onboard options really opens things up.