Support tickets are all gone?

Went to respond back to reply concerning support ticket on and could only create new ticket, all previous and current tickets are completely gone.
Is this because they are on holiday?

No - It’s been like this since they switched their support system to a new one some time ago - it’s not ideal in this particular regard for sure


Right on. I ended up just replying to the email, hopefully that’s the way to do it. If I don’t hear anything I’ll create a new ticket

Anyone knows where is the Support Ticket History?
I’m confused. I remember I could read them on their web site. Now I can’t find it.

Why don’t you contact support and raise a support ticket?

“Should” be under [ Contact Support ] under the little man icon.

I said History. All the history I did “sending and receiving the ticket and the content.” All the writing they did and I did. You know what I mean? Rusty? There is nothing where you indicated.

I don’t have anything there either.

Thanks for the info.
I don’t quite understand. What does it have to do with making a new system to get rid of ticket history? Elektron seems to be getting strange.

They actually switched to the new system already.
When you want to create a new ticket, you can see this at the bottom.

Indeed a support ticket history would be pretty useful: maybe just ask it to Elektron support?


If the old ticket system was provided by a third party and the contract ended, they might be unable to use the old software that powered the ticket history on the website. Let’s hope they still have the actual data and can import it into the new system eventually.