Sunday OT and AR

Some Sunday OT with Rytm.

absolutely loved it. listen through some of your other tracks on yt. loving the experimental stuff. really like that you’re doing something different with these machines.

Nice one Kotare, i’m really liking that.

Got the same combo of the black boxes and this makes me realise that I need to pull my finger out!

Hey thanks - I appreciate it.

Thank you. I don’t use them to their full potential - and there’s so much to discover in them - but these two speak very well to each other!
I love samplers, I’ve got a rack with a S700, S612, EPS -m, and a Mirage, and an Emax and ASR for good measure. One thing I don’t like about the OT - and it’s not insignificant - is that it seems to strip dynamics away and sounds a bit 2d.
Actress does fantastic stuff with the OT and he uses that flat sound to great effect in his last few albums.