This thing looks and sounds freaking amazing!
Seems to cover a lot of territory. Reminds me of a Korg MS20 in sound.
Looks really cool!
Does Euorack compatible equal Eurorack size, like you can drop it in a rack ?
First thing that has awoken the GAS in me in quite some time. Hmmmm…
No MIDI, I guess you control pitch via CV for those oscillators?
Volt per octave ??
I have 2 Grendel Drone commanders (pedal & ammo can) and love them. However this CPM DS-2 looks in a different league, I certainly want one.
Me too. And several other such devices. I will be adding this one. Not least as something I can chuck in a bag and not worry too much about when I fancy away from home drone pleasure.
These Stylophone chaps (or whoever has bought the branding) have certainly announced themselves recently. What with this and the theremin, they’ll be getting a bunch of my money. I wonder whether once they’ve beguiled us with their sounds, they’ll release slightly more “premium versions” made out of solid metal and robust circuitry. This would be tempting in a more solid looking box (not that its not also tempting now…)
Looks very good
They are say this is from the CPM range, so theres going to be more (modules)
Seems small enough for @chaocrator to buy three of them (or did you only do doubles?)
Hot damn!
Why didn’t they call it the Stylodrone? Bit snappier than #Stylophonedronesynth
I just found out Stylophone are based in Hastings UK. That’s where I grew up.
I had no idea.
So I’ve ordered one.
Wait… It flies?