This has probably been asked a thousand times.
Does MD record midi notes realtime from midi controller? Like the A4? As in, using midi machine for basslines - ext synth
I’ve not found anything in manual.
Generally, i play the rhythm then set the notes via plock.
This the right way?
This is why I got rid of my Machinedrum and want to get a RYTM. I never found a decent way to program chromatic notes in. I was told you could either program the pitch as a P-Lock or buy a separate piece of no-longer made gear to do it with. I was very disappointed at the time.
That said, the MD is a fantastic drum machine; just didn’t fit the bill for me.
Cheers for that.
I thought that was the case.
Great drum machine, i agree.
I quietly hope, one day, Elektron will bring out smaller modules as has been discussed in this forum, like, perhaps, a midi sequencer…
Thanks for your help.