Strange Trig Button Issue

Okay, so I have a strange issue with trig button number 12. I first noticed this issue when I was manually trigging the sample that I had loaded to that track (track 4). It was not trigging every time. I would push the button and maybe 1/2 the time it would trig, the light would go and I would hear the sample. All the buttons trig just fine. When I push the record button, to program trigs AND I push the Trig Button 12, it will stay on, almost no amount of pushing button 12 will unlight the trig light. Also, all subsequent pushing of the Record Button will result in the message “Copy Trig” also, if I push pause or stop I will get “Clear Trig” or “Paste Trig” messages, as if it is stuck in some sort of weird mode.

Intermittent problems like these are almost certainly mechanical and will require a return to Elektron for a fix.

I had a similar issue with my 13 trig.

It sounds like your Function button is also broken. This happened to me as well, the Function button stays pressed after pressing. The bottom of the button housing fell apart. I was able to have a button sent to me and I re-soldered a new button in. It’s not under warranty.

Not sure what’s going on with button 12. Recheck all your trigs. Notice how the button sits in the opening and whether it looks like the others. It may also be falling apart like your Function button.

Yeah, accept it only gets in that mode “Trig Copy” “Trig Paste” type mode when button 12 is engaged. And yeah, it is past warranty. So I may as well crack it open and see what I can see.

sounds like it’s just a sticky 12
it is possible to tease the buttons off without taking the lid off
if you can protect the end of some pliers with tape and get purchase on the button it should lift up (avoiding scratches), given it’s the biggest button cap (therefore hole), you may get a good eyeball as to what’s wrong - may be cleanable with care
everything, with care, disclaimer … yhbw

I had the same issue with mine. Eventualy it wil stop triggering alltogether. I sent my two and a half year old unit to the mothership. They fixed it, the repair log said: Readjusted triggers, so something was misaligned.

I have to thank elektron because not only did the readjust the trigger, a few of my encoders were wobbly but it didnt bother me. The replaced all the wobbly encoders and replaced a few other things. My octatrack came back new. I didnt expect that.

[overly grumpy message edited] but yes I’ve had more than one button issue with my OT and kind of fear for future fails when I’m out of warranty.

Sounds like a problem with the switch.

I have what I believe is an older unit (not the original owner) and have had problems with the house on a few of the switches cracking open. I’ve had to (carefully) epoxy the enclosures back together to maintain functionality (I’m out of warranty), and after having it open to inspect everything I can see a few other switches that are on track to the same failure.

So I finally opened up the OT yesterday and clearly see that the plastic housing of the #12 Trig Button is wobbly. This seems like something I could fix myself…with care and guidance.

the best way to fix these button problem is throw your elektron octatrack through the windows and recorded with tascam or zoom it sound nice like industrial sound,i got some same issue aswell now my octatrack was hanging on the wall as my art instalation