Strange but pleasing LFO-behavior

Today i created a pattern with my A4 and i added trigless-trig with a conditional trig to make some DubStep-LFO-filter wobble on a 16 steps long note

when i transposed the note up i found out that the LFO modulated the filter slower as 3 notes below

did i miss something? is there somehow keytracking involved? someone else?

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you probably inadvertently used a LFO rate factor with the tuning fork (it’s a rate based on oscillator frequency and not just tempo as usual)

normal factors are tempo related (first third of range)
next factors are tempo 120
next (final) factors are for FM and are linked to osc freq

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no i didn’t - i checked it out

i also checked if the keytrack on the filter is active or not because it could have an influence on the LFO’s acusticaly perceived modulation-offset from a maximal filter-setting (127)