Strange bugs - solved

i have at least two obvious issues/bugs,

EDIT, both issues were user error :smiley: or at least unfamiliarity.
so this is solved.

  • i discovered dvol is Delay Send volume
  • 2nd issue was due to not realising each LFO can be pointed at any track, so i basically only considered teh track 15 LFO

i have 2 synths running into inputs a/b, when i use delay on either, it sporadically also triggers reverb.

also, on one kit preset, (only the one kit)
machine 15 became corrupted such that the input always is distorted, it kind of sounds like a bit rate reduction, or a square wave AM.
this distortion first appeared when used as a input machine, but still exists on any machine voice i choose.
it also only appears when routed through the stereo master output, if routed to a or b, the corruption is not present.

it is particularly present on ONLY the one kit, i can change overall machine kit and it disappears, but is saved in the problem preset, so i cannot get rid of it.

here is an example of 3 different machine voices used on the same corrupt track 15.
in each example i simply copied the machine from another (uncorrupted) track onto the corrupted track, and recorded an example of the clean, and the the corrupted
first 2 are drum machines, 3rd is a synth input

any LFOs directed at track 15?

nothing :confused:

i believe changing the machine voice should reset everything to default?
also copying the machine from one track to another should also copy all settings?

does it happen with a new kit?

no i’ts limited to only one kit,

i just noticed that if it also only occurs when routed through the stereo master,
if i route to a or b (that’s all i’ve tested), the corruption is not present.

ok, well it’s not a track corruption, it’s a setting (probably an LFO) somewhere in the preset kit modulating a parameter track 15. Have you checked all the LFO destinations on the other tracks?

failing that copy and paste the tracks you want to a new kit, save, then delete the kit forever. problem solved.

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ha yes !!

it was track 10 LFO,
i did not actually realise each lfo was independent (so twas looking in the wrong places) - this adds a whole new dimension of potential zany! (manys the time i wished i had more than 1 LFO on each voice :P)