Strange behavior since upgrading to latest OS

a couple of weird things have been happening.

  1. the snare drum sounds completely different when triggered externally than when programmed via the internal sequencer. i had some snares programmed with NO p-locks on the internal sequencer, and when i went to program them via the cirklon instead, the sound is completely different. the sound when triggered over midi is even different than when i hit the pad.

  2. when i mute the snare drum, the hihats increase in volume dramatically. i have no idea why this is occurring. unmuting the snare returns the hihats to the volume i programmed. i thought the compressor may be doing this, but taking it out of the mix had no effect.

has anyone else run into this?


Compressor was my first thought. Did you also check the distortion and lower all the levels and try it too.

yea, i checked everything. literally sending the drum hits as midi messages rather than using the internal sequencer completely changes the way the snare sounds. it is not velocity related either. there were no p-locks.

i can’t explain it. annoying. i guess it’s time for another support ticket.

maybe the trig setup in the trig menu have change?

Difference between note length and/or pitch perhaps?

problem 1 definitely sounds like a difference in the trig. note duration and velocity will both play a role here. to be 100% sure, you should record the MIDI output of you playing a pad on the AR (yes, the pads send MIDI ) into your DAW and then play that MIDI back to the AR.

problem 2 sounds like compressor settings. to check if it’s the compressor – in your FX page, in the compressor menu, try turning the mix value all the way counter clockwise so that no signal is going through the compressor. if you still notice the change in volume then there is something else at hand. otherwise it’s the compressor settings.

hmmm, the only thing is that it wasn’t doing this before, so i don’t know where i would have made any changes to the config. i’ll check everything again.
thanks for all the replies.

i definitely don’t have the compressor engaged, so #2 is a mystery to me.

I just updated mine to 1.02D this evening.

Everything has gone out of tune across the banks - seems like the bass drum most of all, but there’s a lot of change across the remaining kit.

Luckily, i’m backed up and didn’t have a whole lot on there, but its still a poor upgrade if settings don’t stick :frowning:

I too had similar problems yesterday.

  1. The sound recorded in the steps lost all attack, compared to when playing the pads. (Also a difference when playing pads in chromatic mode and just triggering pad from the “normal” mode) - I tried looking in the trigs menu, but found nothing strange there, and I also tried adjusting the velocity on each trig to max, and turned on and off the velocity to volume setting - no joy.

  2. When in mute mode, it would mute both the pads I pressed plus the pad I’d last worked on, every time, and it would only transmit mute data for one track to my daw (I assume this might be something to do with my midi set up, but didn’t have time to look into it)

Anyone else had these problems?