Straight 808 Rytm Sample Pack!

Here it in action:

And a quick tutorial on uploading sample packs to the Rytm:

Great stuff guys! Love the little elektron sticker on the macbook :slight_smile:

Yeah, this is a good one.

808, 909, 303, etc… again and again

theres lots of other ones in between, with plenty of sample packs all over the internet that you can purchase and load yourself!

I believe elektron made the right choice releasing this first :wink: 808 bd is still tops in my book, my favourite flavor atleast :slight_smile:

Yeap, some love it some don’t :slight_smile:
Its good to start with the classic samples!

Yeap, some love it some don’t :slight_smile:
Its good to start with the classic samples![/quote]
No Problem… There are lovely. This is why we can found thousands of their sample packs, PCMs, synthetized drums for Elektron or other gear.

But where is the innovative spirit of Elektron ?

I think the secret lies in the way you can tweak the samples as well as layer them with the Rytm’s analog synthesis. 808 samples provide a very good, tried and tested, starting point. Where you’ll finally end up might be somewhere completely else. It’s up to the user really!

Ok. Bad mood today. Maybe due to waiting too long for “old machines” updades/fix. Or maybe because I’m waiting for a Elektron support answer for more than one week :slight_smile:

Lets see what can Elektronauts will do with this 808 pack

do the kit have scenes or performances mapped?

personally, i have a bunch of 808 samples, including goldbaby ones. not sure if i’ll buy this or not - for me it would be a way to save time and peak under the hood at how other more advanced users make use of their machine.

i do like that there is an 808 pack.

Sure, why not pay for sounds that you can get pretty much straight away out of the synth tracks anyway.

^^Agree though, I’m blatantly going to ‘splash the cash’ if scenes and performance parameters are mapped :slight_smile:

Yes, there are 16 Patterns and 16 Kits. Each Kit has various Scenes and Performance modes assigned.

great stuff.


Yes, there are 16 Patterns and 16 Kits. Each Kit has various Scenes and Performance modes assigned.

:smiley: :+1: :+1:

I don’t have my Rytm yet but I was thinking the same thing. Is this not the case?

I don’t have my Rytm yet but I was thinking the same thing. Is this not the case?[/quote]
It’s nice to take a synth engine you wouldn’t use much (like the cowbell) and use the sample engine for kick, or snare duty. This frees up the kick, and/or snare/clap synth engine to do something else… like make bass/lead sounds.

The names of the samples haven’t loaded like in the video above :confused: did I do something wrong?

^^ Small matter I guess. After trying the pack out - it’s awesome just to be able to see the full potential of the scenes/performance

There is a very nice sound pack for Octatrack out there already. 808 and 909, nicely tracked, various states of distortion/saturation… Before I got the Rytm I was using these samples in the Octatrack for all drums. They’re pretty flexible!