Steps to properly use a MIDI keyboard to grid edit

Hi @Mistercharlie thank you, I appreciate it. I am able to do what you said, but I dislike the notion of having to insert a workaround into what is otherwise a really excellent workflow. Hopefully a Midi-Merger will allow me to send both auto-channel (16 for me), and track channel (9-12) via the same input, such that I get track selection and mutes via Digitakt over 9-12, with the ability to grid record directly to Digitone as well over auto-chan 16…all without having to give up a Midi track to do it. To be clear, yes, I mean hold down a trig button on the grid, press a key on the Midi controller, have it register key press, note, velocity, etc.

I’m a terrible keyboard performer, so the notion of live recording is far less appealing to me than grid-step recording. It’s what I’m used to on the Digitakt, so keeping them same-same without having to sacrifice a whole Midi channel even at the cost of a midi merger, is worthwhile in the long run.

If not, as workarounds go, this is not a bad one, it just seems like it should be unnecessary.

thanks again!

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I was annoyed by it too, but for a different reason: the Digitakt doesn’t pass on the aftertouch or pitch wheel from the keyboard. I am using a little RK-005 midi hub with all three devices connected via USB.

This lets me change channel on the keyboard to control either digi, and also to use the Digitone’s keys to play the Digitakt’s samples chromatically.