Stem splitters, whats the best? Is worth the cost?

I tried Stemroller. Quite remarkable results but my processor temperature goes extremely hot during the process. Noctua fan has a hard time keeping it under 96 degrees?! Anyone knows how this affects lifespan: i asume bios will shut pc off if this temperature exceeds safe levels but this didn’t happen yet. After the process temperature drops down in seconds to approx 50 degrees.

Using electrical devices affects lifespan, not using them can affect lifespan. You are crunching numbers for a short period of time, but it’s not like you’re running puzzles to win cryptocurrency prizes, no reason to worry about it long term unless you’re running a laptop render farm.

You’re more likely to receive thermal throttling of cores to keep things at safe temperatures than a critical event.


Thanks. Nice to know that i can keep stem roller rolling with a batch of songs safely

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Yeah, I mean sounds like it’s using the CUDA library, imagine if you had to re-calculate a system’s lifespan every time you played a video game!

Serato Sample 2.0 out now, with stem separation baked in:


I was very excited to find that this is a free upgrade for Serato Sample users. Gotta love it.


From CDM:

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Does the Serato Sample 2 plugin have multiple outs? How many, and how flexible? Google search inconclusive (something about Cue outs?)

I wish that they had used some other music, that wasn’t prepared for this… they coulda used track lib or anything


Yeah, perhaps someone can give a real-world use when it’s out.

Serato Sample has 16 stereo outs including the master out. Each cue point or zone you set in your sample can be routed to any of these 16 separate stereo outs.

You can then route the 16 stereo outs however you want from your daw.

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Good to know, cheers.

Been giving the Serato update a go over lunch, its very impressive!

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Low key genius rickroll there

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Haha!, couldn’t resist :upside_down_face:

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Updated to Serato Sample 2.0 being a long term occasional user and it being a free update, but the stem separation isn’t a match for laial, by a long margin

Most of the tracks i quickly played with last night sounded unusable as stems, but it is still good software and some resukts aren’t too bad


That said, the stem bleed can produce some interesting results, but it’s roughly on par with RX8 imo, or maybe a bit worse than that

sorry to hear that

Yeah this is a quick splitter which is ok, but Stem Roller is free.