Static slices clicking on first pass

Just out of interest, has anyone tried p-locking STRT with a trigless lock a step or two before trigging the slice? Or I guess trigging the slice with VOL -64 first. Limits your trigs but could be useful for longer sliced samples.


I was also thinking of this, and just read again your post.

Seems to work with a silent trig (vol - 63) better than a trigless trig.

Even possible to use an lfo on the silent trig, next trigs keeping the value with speed 0.
Edit : maybe 2 trigs needed…

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No clicks with TRC, good news!

I made a test with a 4m20s file and 64 slices.
Plocked worked correctly with 5 tracks using the same sample, and from 6 tracks it gets more clicky.

I tried with 4 track having this sample, 4 others having a copy of it. Same behavior.

I tried with original Kington 266x Cf card and a Sandisk Extreme 64GO, maybe slightly less clicky, not sure.