Static noise problem

Johnny I think the Outputs may not connect to the board correct (cold joints) which may cause interference

believe me there outputs are loosely soldered and then unscrewing the placeholder nuts they wiggle around like a tree during fall storms.

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Thanks zFabi, that makes sense, especially since it got worse when I connected a cable to one of the outputs, it probably disturbed one of the solder points. Iā€™ll probably pop it open here soon and have a look. Thanks!

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Hey zFabi, iā€™m having
the same issue. How did the story end?

I ended up sending mine to Elektron, iirc they replaced the ribbon cable between the synth board and the io board. Iā€™m thinking itā€™s possible the cable itself was fine but just needed to be reseated. So thatā€™s a place to start.


try some hardware pressurised compressed air sprayā€¦ might be a dirt issueā€¦ sometimes these things are really simpleā€¦ i had a dodgy static issue on my tanzbar, i turned the knob back and forth for a few minutes and it wentā€¦ best to get some cleaner pressure spray for any gear to try this simply fix first before throwing it out the window though