Has anyone else noticed that there hasn’t been any flame wars or much bickering on here anymore? It’s great!
I don’t know what happened, but when this forum first opened, there were lots of attitudes and keyboard fights. I personally haven’t seen any of that on here in a long time.
While sometimes not the most responsive (but overwhelmingly extremely helpful ) forum where people seem to show respect and it’s not just a pissing contest. In a way I think the internet conversely brings out a tribe mentality -think gearslutz - analog vs digital, mac vs pc, pro tools vs you get the picture … Everyone here just wants to understand and use the gear - not crap on about minutiae of nyquist theory. People here seem to make music instead of talk about it
Elektronauts is one of the most helpful and dedicated music community’s I’ve seen on the net. I’ve learned so many awesome tips for production with the A4 and consider it a valuable and informative resource.
And I love hearing people’s music that they post. Seems like the people here really care about music and enjoy making art for the love of it and everyone seems super supportive of each other’s work.
Ditto… pretty happy with this forum. I belonged to the Propellerheads Forum back in the Reason v2 days… and it started great but quickly devolved into something else entirely. This one (as well as it’s predecessor EU) has been pretty good with the odd hickup… but nothing major.
I use this forum a lot just as a source of music… there’s some good artists on this site, pro, semi pro and then guys like me hehhe