Stagger the start time of a pattern (track ableton)


I was wondering, is it possible to to put a delay before a pattern starts so you can sync it better with other equipment. like the way you can say with ableton or whatever.
reason i ask is i have found out out to get ableton to supply clock and A4 sends transport, but it is a bit out of sync (20mS behind to be precise)
i believe i heard someone talking about it before and i have been at the manual for a while but cant find anything…does anyone have any info??

You can microtime pull or push all the tracks, heres an excerpt from the manual,

μTM controls the micro timing offset. A negative value will nudge the trig to a position before

the quantized sequencer step, a positive after. Each micro timing value step is equal to one 1/

384th of a note. When entering note trigs in the LIVE RECORDING mode, they will automatically

be micro timed. Read more about this recording mode on page 30.