Squarp HAPAX Track Definition Editor Tool

I made this HAPAX Track Definition Editor tool here Track Definitions.

I wanted folks to be able to share their Track Definitions, but couldn’t figure out a sustainable way to do it. Anyways, I hope this helps editing Track Definitions etc.

Let me know if you find any bugs or have any feedback.


Aren’t they just txt files? Like on pyramid ?
Can’t recall where I used to grab them from , one of the online patch sites. … it’s been years. I wish other gear had this function.

Yeah they’re just text files.

It would be cool to have some templates for Digitakt drums, Digitakt polyphony, or sharing other interesting templates.

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i’ve used a few Instrument Definitions. what do Track Definitions “define” in Hapax, functionally?

they’re just midi templates for cc channel etc
this is a tool that makes it easier to be able to edit/create your own definitions via web tool instead of editing a text file etc
hapax lets you have a long list of these so you can assign different ones to a track easily


This seems worth sharing with the Hapax thread here on Elektronauts as well as in the Squarp forum


Track Definitions == Instrument Definitions

Track Definitions is actually a misnomer.

Nice idea. Looks good. I wouldn’t want to enter a hundred CCs or NRPNs that way though.

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Thanks. I will make corrections.

You can upload a definition with 127 CCs from a .txt file and it will deserialize them into the form. Entering them by hand would be tedious, but I could work on bulk creation/editing actions. Something like ‘create a hundred CCs 1 - 100’.

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